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Time to take a moment.



Teaf Sochi

Awwww, Trav.


Poor guy

Dhaka Yeena

Oh now I’m sad now....


Why do this to our boy


Don't cry baby ;w;


Awww, but it’s for the better Trav


I gunna cry


This is the saddest page you’ve ever drawn 😞


Poor Travis


I mean I feel bad but it was kinda obvious he just wanted the booty. Travis kinda chose to keep going back but I guess even a bad friend is better than no one at all when he was all Travis had.


Need all the hugs!!


Ooh, a message! I wonder who from...

kai wolfheart

For a page with no dialogue and not much action going on. It freaking hurts seeing that pain, at how well you show rather then tell in story.

Eren Yanno

The dusky colors add a lot to this <3


daamn..poor pup ;^;


Trav ;3; I hope Joe can help him through this


Awww now I’m sad :( hang in there T.

Diego P

NO! baby!!!

Drake Arlin

Oof... been there. Never an easy feeling to deal with. Good job on portraying so well dude.


It’s okay, cry it out but let it go ❤️💔❤️

The Unaccomplished Writer

I know how it feels, hon. It's tough, but I hope he'll be okay. Sending him all the hugs he needs.




Fuck this one stings. Side note, awesome work on the lighting in this page. Reflection off the window and the shadows are super on point.

Milo Smith

Awww poor Travis, he’ll be better for standing up for himself. It still stings


Maaaaan, crying alone in your parked car is such a mood 😔


Poor pupper </3


Damn, yeah, that dejected/detached look in his eyes before the build up of tears in the second to last panel. Awesome depiction of emotion. ❤

High-bi password

Never have I been so excited for the next page!!! And that’s seriously saying something, I was here for Liquid Courage.


A simple but powerful page. Without a single word you can tell what he's thinking. Now I just hope that text is who I hope it is and not the bear.


Looks like a nice roomy vehicle


Fam this is so sad bro


Bruh come on fam


Awwww, Travis! You deserve so much better, honey


I read this and was reminded of part of a break-up poem I once read in a play. “i don’t know how she got yr number baby, i’m sorry” “oh baby, ya know i was high, i’m sorry” "i’m only human, and inadequacy is what make us human, & if we was perfect we wdnt have nothin to strive for, so you might as well go on and forgive me pretty baby, cause i’m sorry” "shut up bitch, i told you i waz sorry" “i do ya like i do ya cause I thot ya could take it, now i’m sorry” "now I know that ya know i love ya, but i ain’t ever gonna love ya like ya want me to love ya, i’m sorry” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i loved you on purpose i was open on purpose i still crave vulnerability & close talk & i’m not even sorry bout you bein sorry you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna just dont give it to me i cant use another sorry next time you should admit you’re mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out steada bein sorry alla the time enjoy bein yrself


Luv, he is so not worth it...

Articus the Tigulf

Once you've got me right in the feelings. The Little Buddyverse is by far one of my favorite comics and I always get so excited to see more of it with each page.

Dominik R.

I feel Travis, I have been in his shoes too, who wasn't? 😔


Bro, many of us hope to see him just ignore the text and Drive away,.........but what if in the next page he's back in bed with Dennis?




The emotions in this...I feel that shit


Its gonna be so hard to wait for the next page X3


As much as this may hurt now, this is a great moment of growth

pj wolf

Realization hurts.


Give this boy the good panther dick! and lots of after care! I'm taling snuggles and cuddles. I want the smutty and the soft now.


I really hope that's a text from Joe...