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Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you all real quick with whats been going on. There are 4 main points. I really wanted to get the rewards to you guys out this past weekend but between not having enough content and the impromptu London trip, I had to give up on that.

  1. Good news, is that I am working really hard learning some new stuff to make my content/rewards SOOOOO much better. Like...im over here learning how to code and shit...Well its not really coding technically but its still hours of trial and error lol. The result of all of this is going to be hundreds of hours saved in the future when it comes to editing my videos! Its a huge weight off my shoulders that I thought I'd need to hire a programmer to do. You are getting a preview of what my course will be like.
  2. However...the bad news is that I am pretty sure I have caught covid or some other flu during my trip. I stopped getting fevers/colds around highschool so its a bit of a shock for me. The fact that I am cold in this sweltering heat with my broken AC confirms it! So Yeah…my body is going through it right now and I am working from my bed. But c’mon nearly 4 years since the outbreak and I didn’t catch it until now! Thats pretty awesome. It was inevitable though…walking past thousands of people and using the public transit everyday in London...it was only a matter of time. Hermit mode really does work wonders huh?
  3. I have some next-gen timelapse/speedpaint videos coming at yall soon though. I have decided to share those asap as I complete them instead of one big announcement so that you all can start looking through it! Later this month I plan to record a lil chat with you all as well. I wanna start doing that so it feels more intimate. I really appreciate you all for supporting me through this huge transition period of my life. (I’m also doing much better mental health wise! Things have settled down and the London Trip completely rejuvinated me…well except for catching the flu lol.
  4. The last point is something minimal. I am trying out a new platform to provide the rewards so please bear with me with that. Only the most recent rewards will be available but I will slowly get the catalogue back up and running. I should be able to finally ditch Google Drive.

Again, thank you all so much again for supporting me. To be honest, the trip to London was a huge risk because I am low on funds since taking so much time off recovering. Not to mention the unexpected expense of taking a trip to Louisiana to renew my passport. Regardless, it was worth it. I knew it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Expect updates here and on Patreon in the next few days FOR SURE THIS TIME !!!



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