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Hello everyone!

After hearing some feedback from you and others, I have decided NOT to cancel my Patreon as per my post earlier this year. 

Instead, I am simply going to provide my rewards in multiple locations! Patreon, Discord, and soon Youtube!

This will be via 2 tiers: 

My standard, $5 ErgoFANS tier, and my new $90 Ergo ATELIER tier. 

It became clear that its just easier for some people to support me via Patreon, and some people to support me via Discord. I plan to make my ErgoFANS tier available on my Youtube channel as well, via the Youtube Memberships program. (I will likely raise the price there a bit more due to the fact that Youtube takes over 2x more of the cut that Patreon and Discord take) 

I have had to take an extended leave from Youtube in part due to lots of hard work on my upcoming Procreate course.

Unfortunately, Youtube has also been a huge component to my declining mental health over the years and I will continue to take a break from there for the time being as well. I'll be honest with you, I really need a solid boost to my confidence when it comes to the work I put in my videos. The mindset required to be consistent successful as a content creator is something I did not have going into it. Sure I worked hard and knew how to evolve, learn, and make changes, but at the core?

 You need to KNOW who you are without constantly seeking external validation for your identity and path in this life. 

I know that my course will be like a jumpstart to a car battery for me! All of the times I put in maximum elbow grease and effort into a video, only for it to flop and receive negative comments will be overwitten by how well my course will do, I just know it. 

I believe this is why so many people say not to pursue art as a career - you have to be very careful to make sure you don't let results decide your worth, and sap the enjoyment of your craft. Thankfully, making art in and of itself has only been moderately affected for me. 

Your support, and my course are making a huge difference in my ability to recover, so I am very grateful to all of you for that. It was something that I wasn't aware was getting to such a serious degree until late last year 2022. 

Now, I am finally seeing a therapist along with making plans to move to a place where I can be surrounded by other like minded creative folk, most importantly the friends I have already made along the way. I haven't announced my move or the location publicly yet, since the plans are not set in stone, but it will be around Fall. I will let you all know in advance when that happens since I will unlikely be able to keep up with rewards for a month or two then. 

Thank you all for your understanding and continuing to support me! It has been a tumultuous 2-3 years but I finally feel like I've got a strong direction to take moving forward. This year will truly mark what I believe to be the 3rd, and most profound chapter yet of my life. I'll be turning 28 in a couple weeks this March and it feels like good timing!



Cheers \(^w^)/ So very glad you are maintaining the model here, as for so many people there seems a peace in consolidating support for creators, along with more generous accessibility~ Looking forward to continue learning from your strides along the way :>


Im so glad that you’re able to take steps for your mental health and I totally understand that dread that comes when you put in so much work for such little return. I think you are so talented and I will continue to support you as you are one of my favorite artists ever. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey ❤️


Awesome. Thank you so much for supporting! Im greatful to everyone for reaching out.