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Please enjoy your April Rewards here:


(Link above will expire June 1st 2022)

This month theres 2 big paintings, among with a couple fully rendered figures and a decent amount of sketches and some studies!

Video wise, theres a few more hours of realtime drawing footage, several Timelapse's, and 2 videos where I chat with you guys as I warmup for the day. 

There's also a bonus video which is an early look at the first draft of my Character Illustration Process video for Youtube! Its coming out in June, so this is quite the exclusive look! I've never made a video this far in advance before. 

For May, I'm really excited. Ive had a few epiphanies lately that have influenced what I want to work on. First thing is that I want to push myself to focus on one thing at a time with my work. I like to do several different drawings to make sure I am improving as fast as I can, before I decide to spend more time on one. I also do the same thing with ideas, start lots of them, and then leave nothing well done. I've gotten started on a fanart of Ranni that I've decided to stop doing thumbnails on. I want to do something stylized and fun, that will also serve as a great anatomical diagram/practice for me and you all as well. Spending a week or two on it will be worth it. I don't need to be paranoid about my skills atrophying if I am not doing everything that comes to my mind at once, its probably hurting me to do that actually. 

Last night I also realized that theres big audiences for just about every niche out there...so why not focus on one thing? This is kind of similar to my previous point but its really just me doubling down on the topics that I like. I wanted to start getting into 3d Modeling after realizing that CD Projekt Red was hiring a 'head modeler'. I thought to myself...dang that would be the type of job I'd take if I could 3d model, and then realized why don't I just get into it just to model heads well? Then I learned tonight, that there was one guy, responsible for nearly all of the most expressive facial animations in Arcane. One dude. Thats crazy but it makes sense. 

It seems that there is a place for stubborn people like me who really like something, and can never get tired doing it. So I'll keep drawing figures and faces and keep learning anatomy and see where that takes me. My goal with my Ranni fanart/redesign is to make something that inspires other people to draw it too! Just like how I feel when I look at ZeenChin's work, or Myinputtwo's. Man if I had the skill to model what I have in my head, I knew it would be super popular, especially if I posted it a few weeks after the game launched. But hey that just means I gotta hurry up and learn right? 




Seems like the link gives a 404.


Same issue here 404. It was working earlier though.