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Happy Monday!

Last week was an incredibly busy and frustrating week for me. As you may have heard in the discord, I had to pause streams due to some ongoing family issues thats adding a heavy load to my mental space right now. 

As for the artwork however, you can see that I did more days than not for my #figtober2021 challenge! Are any of you participating? It's been extremely rewarding to see me growing and doing so much better than last year. Forcing myself to get something done each day is teaching me to care less about the insignificant details. This is letting me grow faster by simply doing more. Its also reducing my resistance to draw! Surprisingly enough, I noticed the main reason I didn't want to do Spiderman for so long, is because I 'knew' how frustrating it would be to fix all of the mistakes that I 'knew' I would make with the crazy pose. But If i just decided to stick to whatever I did the first go around, I would have less stress. What also helped was that I took one of the hands from my hands homework pages to use for him! This was enough to encourage me to get through the rest of the drawing. 

I'm still deciding on whether or not to try to catch up for Figtober, or simply continue on from here since my schedule has freed up a bit. Time-lapses for many of these drawings will be coming at the end of the month! 




Take care josh! All of these works are very inspiring