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Hello everyone !

I hope you are doing well !

I just wanted to inform you that I am slowly moving toward the Platform "BuyMeACoffee", since it is better, more ergonomic, easier for you to scroll past my content and also it reduce the size of the file so you could all be able to read it better on phone than it was before.

The link is : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aribethtg

I will still post here, but I am getting an unnecessary and unjustified censorship here, leading me to not being able to post...topless women... Yeah...

That's the reason a part of my post have dissapeared lately, I am sorry for that.
I will post them all again on BuyMeACoffee if you want to find them.

So whatever you prefer, you can support me on both since I will post on both

I wish you all an amazing day,
And thank you for your support ! 

Aribeth <3
Published: 2021-09