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After reading a couple comments for my post from last night I'm starting to conceive of an idea revolving around some sort of competition or dispute between weight gain, muscle growth and pregnancy. The basic idea is that you have three nations or city-states, each devoted to one of the fetishses, and as things progress the culture of each territory develops and becomes based on the fetish more and more.

For example, the weight gain nation could go from overeating and simple softness to more extreme weights becoming commonplace, with meals more numerous and larger as time goes on, until the population is all immobile or near-immobile, spending most of the day stuffing their faces.

Then the pregnancy nation could go from supporting large families and the idea that nearly all women go through multiple pregnancies to, say, consolidating pregnancy in the hands (wombs) of an elite. Sort of like what I've been doing with the Zaharoff series, where a chosen few experience increasingly larger pregnancies.

And there could be other factors that get developed as time goes on. In the pregnancy nation women are lauded for being mothers, respected and cared for by the population as a whole, while in the muscle growth nation only women achieve massive growth, creating a matriarchal culture where men are seen as the lesser gender.

This is me mostly spitballing right now. I started to come up with the idea in the middle of the night and I'm still toying with it. I still need to figure out what sort of conflict the different nations would come into. Maybe there are three goddesses using the humans as proxies for an argument of theirs, and they debate which civilization is achieving more as the ages pass.

Virtually no chance I could use this for the growth drive, though, because how would I figure out how to distribute the money? Unless I asked for direct donations, which I'm hesitant to do because I expect the response would be muted.


Tyler Hayman

Maybe there is a newly discovered resource found in an area that all 3 nations/city states border. The area was otherwise considered baren and worthless before the discovery so no group had layed claim to it. Not sure how you would have them dispute for control. But can think of reasons why the three wouldn't launch into full scale war.

Tyler Hayman

Sorry for double post on mobile. Like the Muscle Growth are clearly the most battle ready group, but are out numbered by the pregnancy group, and beacuse many are immobile the weight gain group is technologically advanced.

adiposerex (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-09 15:38:39 ありがとうございます!鱗は時間かかったのでので。人間だからこういう事出来ちゃうんですよね……!下チューブは見る人によって中身が変化するかも……!?
2017-03-13 04:57:27 Full scale war would distract from the fetish goodness, so I'd rather there be some other way.

Full scale war would distract from the fetish goodness, so I'd rather there be some other way.


I just don't want there to be any idea of rivalries or animosity between the different nations, because then people might ask why they aren't going to war. Even just explaining why not would bring the idea up, and imply that there's a chance war might break out. Better to just say that all three coexist, even if they're not all lovey-dovey. I'm thinking maybe I can write a story or two from the perspective of young adults entering the larger world and debating which, if any, culture they want to join or just work for. Maybe a smart guy could be courted by the muscle country because he has skills and knowledge lacking, but he's not enamored with being looked down on by amazons. Or maybe his girlfriend/wife gets interested in the culture when they move closer to the country (I'm thinking there could be a neutral space surrounded by all three nations, made up of normal people) and she starts to get into bodybuilding and amazon growth. I'm just spitballing now.