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(I apologize in advance for how long this is.)

First off, let me give you all a head's up: after tomorrow I'll be taking a week-plus vacation. Eight days specifically. I won't be traveling anywhere, I'll be staying at home and doing a lot of chores and stuff I've let sit for months or even years now. And I will be writing. I have (let me quickly count this off...) four stories in progress that I hope to get done next week.

There's a vore-muscle growth story, a weight gain story, another weight gain story, and an hourglass expansion story. And I have ideas for various other things, and I've agreed to commissions for a muscle growth story and a hyperpregnancy story.

But as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I have a new idea I'd like to throw at you all. I posted it on dA earlier today and the reaction was limited to the point of nonexistence. One person liked it, and that was it.

So a couple days ago I was in a chat and the topic of growth drives came up. I like them in theory, but I've never really contributed to one. Mainly because they're just sequences, no larger story behind it. Just 'We've hit a new milestone, so here's a new picture where she has a bigger belly/boobs/butt.'

At the time I thought about how a writing growth drive would work, since I'm a writer and not an artist. It would fix the 'no context' problem, if nothing else.

The main issue would be asking for money up front. I've had problems with taking movey for commissions before they were done, which is why I made my Patreon a pay-per-post deal. But that's assuming I even got any money. I can easily see me asking for money and then getting a few dollars, at most. It's cynical to say that people don't want to pay for anything, but... it's not entirely inaccurate, is it?

(I'm not directing that at you shiny, happy lot here. All my patrons are awesome and definitely of high moral character.)

Then today I thought of a different route. Instead of asking for more money specifically for the drive, I'll just use the existing monthly system Patreon provides as the framework.

That is, each month I'll take the dollar amount I collect from my patrons and turn that into additional poundage for a new, original character. It will be weight gain, because that's my main fetish, and because the 'dollars to pounds' transfer is an obvious and easy-to-work system. Plus, the cumulative growth each month just makes more sense. Not a lot to be done with adding more babies each month, or, I dunno, more weight she can lift.

The specific idea I have right now is that each story will be a check-in with the woman - I'm thinking her name will be Gabby, but that's not set in stone - after she's gained the new weight. It won't be a sudden growth, and I'll develop an ongoing narrative and world around her. So each month it'll be like an interview or a news feature on Gabby, talking about how her appetite has grown, the changes to her daily schedule and how it affects the people around her.

I won't be going for strict realism, that's not my style, but I think there's a lot of potential in changing things up as she gets bigger and trying to make sense of it all. Gabby could be an increasingly demanding diva whose hunger needs to be satisfied by the people around her, she can get more arrogant or maybe just as her size grows more people are needed to take care of her.

I don't have a solid idea on why people would tend to Gabby. I'm thinking it could be a meta thing, where Gabby is the mascot for this Patreon, so they need to keep her happy to ensure their own existence.

The main thing I need to pin down is the 'dollars to pounds' rate. In general I make about 300 bucks a month here, so if the OC starts around 100 pounds she'll reach half a ton in three or four months, a full ton in the same amount of time, etc. So it'd be at least half a year before she reaches a ton, then most of a year to get to a second one. That would be way too much time to get to ever-more ridiculous milestones, and that could hinder the changes to the overall plot.

I might try to use some sort of exponential system. One dollar equals one pound the first month, one dollar equals two pounds the second month, etc. So the six month she would gain about 1800 pounds, almost a full ton.

This is already getting long-winded, and I apologize. But I'm really liking this idea, I want to do something special for my Patreon, and I am interested in what you all think.

Or do you not care? 'Just write more stuff, Rex. That's all we want.'



The idea is intriguing, wg isnt my main niche so I may not be your main target audience. If you were to add elements of the main modes of expansion that you normally do maybe you could draw more interest. Like for the muscle growth niche of your patreons maybe you could have one of gabbys caretakers get stronger just from being near her.. like she could be a nexus for growth.. maybe another person in her sphere of influence could get pregnant etc.. Just my two cents if that may help drive intrest :)

Tyler Hayman

A very interesting idea, but yeah I think interest will mostly be determined by how much of your audience is interested in pure weight gain. Bdizz's idea though has potential to draw in broad interest since it will give your broad audience a character to latch on to.


I know not everyone who follows me does so for weight gain stuff, but I'm looking to keep this drive straightforward. That's how growth drives usually play out. Sometimes there's a competitive aspect, people donate and specify which woman grows, but even then it's the same kind of growth for all the women involved. After reading this comment I thought about a territorial conflict, where there are weight gain, muscle and pregnancy 'nations' or 'city-states' that all grow as they each receive more support, but that would have the problem of how to determine what support from readers is going to which fetish. Even if I just go with your idea and I come up with some reason for muscle and pregnancy growth, how do I distribute the growth?


I wouldn't say it would broaden the appeal, but rather just adds features that other people would be interested in. The people not into weight gain would still not be into weight gain.