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So a couple days ago I posted here and on dA that I'm currently 'into' bowling alleys and drive-in theaters. I said I was trying to think of a way to work them into an expansion story and several people suggested basic ideas that were nothing like what I was thinking of.

I guess that was my fault, for not going into more detail. See, last summer I was hit was a pretty strong interest in rockabilly and 50's culture, particularly the youth culture aspects like, as I said, bowling and drive-in theaters.

Around the time I moved (think it was before, don't remember exactly) I began this story. The basic idea is that a young woman from the modern time finds herself able to travel to the past, except it's a past where the post-war consumer mindset took on a more obvious direction, with the younger generation getting really fat even as the styles and trends stay the same.

I stopped working on it right after the point where Mrs. Tippet confirms that she's enjoyed fattening up her husband. Patreon and other stuff took over, and I was waffling on how big I wanted to make the characters. After working on Hesper for so long it's become very easy for me to make characters go up to thousands of pounds, but that would conflict with plans I had for characters actually doing stuff beyond sitting in place and eating more.

I'm still leaning towards having people grow to extreme sizes - that's just where my fantasies take me - but as I continue this I'll probably focus less on the gaining and more on the story and characters.

Because one reason I haven't gone back and finished this story is that it's less about the gaining and more about creating this fantasy world, an alternate 50's with all the cool stuff and none of the Cold War, segregation bullshit. And where everyone is getting fat, because consumerism.

No idea if anyone else wants to read a story like this, but this is solely for me.


Juzza Girl

I have not read this yet because I'm out and about, but omg yes please expand on this idea


Have you ever watched the anime Space Dandy? Its got a very cool Raygun Gothic aesthetic inspired by 1950s visions of the future including space drive-in movie theaters. Not to mention the main character has a self proclaimed love for the booty (and breasts).


Serendipitously, a couple days ago I finished watching Terror in Resonance, which was also directed by Shinichiro Watanabe. But no, I haven't seen Space Dandy. Might have to see if it's on Crunchyroll.


The reserved growth seems promising. A greater focus on living with a specific size is itself quite exciting; it often gets pushed to the side though for more growth. Hopefully your story remedies that.


Well, the rate of growth will be reserved. The end results might get pretty big. And I won't focus too much on living with larger sizes, really. It'll mostly just be 'They're living normal lives, except they're all huge.'