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Ever have a time when something is dominating your thoughts, and you're not sure how to exercise your interest in it?

Drive-in theaters and bowling alleys. They're on my mind lately, and I'm trying to think of some way to incorporate one or both into an expansion story. Actually I'm trying to think of a way to burn out my interest in them, at least enough that I don't feel them 'calling' to me quite so strongly, and a fetish story would be an easy 'out.'

Weight gain caused by heavy snacking is the obvious thing, and to be frank there's something primal there that appeals to me, the correlation of those venues and eating and fatness, but I'm not sure what precisely to do.

I have an idea or two, but I feel like they won't measure up to some innate... thing that's calling to me.



Another thought. Gypsy curse on woman at bowling alley. Gets breasts and butt cheeks the size of bowling balls, maybe her belly too. Not the biggest change, perhaps she goes up a size when something happens with bowling balls. Should be easy in a bowling alley.


A monster movie comes to life, coincidentally "The Blob". Except, instead of eating people, it fills them with fat. Now the viewer is the blob.