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I have been often asked for a way to fully unlock the gallery, and my response was always negative due to the fact I consider the gallery a tool to let the player know whose scenes are yet to be viewed. If there was a way to complete the gallery with a click, the feature would work against the player as they wouldn't know what they are missing.

More often than not, this is requested to view all of the hentai scenes with ease, and while it makes sense in most adult games, it is not the main focus on this project... In fact, I believe most hentai scenes would not make much sense taken out of context.

However, this is just my opinion from my point of view as the game's developer, so I could be totally wrong, hence why I decided to make this poll.
Even if you agree with me, you might still consider voting positively as I thought of a way to implement this in a way that will be more of a feature than an actual cheat:

Implementation of the cheat code
The gallery will get a space where you can input the cheat code, and that will make all of the cgs viewable during that session, but not unlock them.
This means a player will be able to sneak peek at the CGs to know what they are about, and decide whether to actually pursue some routes and unlock them.

This could work in two different ways: A fan of Hestia (or any specific character) might take a sneak peek at the Harem's CGs and play only the scenes they are interested in, without having to do the whole route and unlock them when they are not interested in the rest, or they might notice some interesting CGs and taken by curiosity, do a route they weren't initially interested in just to know the context behind those CGs.

In short, it would ultimately be more of a feature than an actual cheat.



Not sure about an unlock code that needs to be entered every time the game is run... Maybe after entering it give the option of it being permanent or temporary. Sexy scenes should stand on their own in them being sexy scenes. Others will look to see if their potential waifu has enough content before pursuing her route. Just sounds like mental gymnastics for people that are asking for an easy way to get off and you're making this way harder than what it needs to be which is simple and dirty. In game walkthrough hints are more for completionist that probably wouldn't use an unlock feature.


It is the first time I try to implement something like this, from what I have seen from other devs, the cheat code is given monthly... So at best, I could add a way to remember the code and try to apply it automatically if valid. Well, not that there's much point since the game is almost completed x) but if it works, I can always reuse the system in my future projects as well. The way I want to implement it is actually easier (at least for me) as I would only need to add a condition and compare it to the code given, the end result would be the same, but completitionists can still get a 100% without feeling cheated since there might be at least a person or two that at this point played a lot just to get a completed gallery. In short, it is an attempt to make all parties happy and make this less of a cheat and more of a feature that I can implement from this point on, of course this may change depending on the feedback I will be getting. If the majority doesn't like the way I am implementing this, and voice their opinion, I can always change it.


I've seen it implemented a couple ways but this is mostly for an audience that doesn't want to get gud they just want to see the goods. Randomizing the code every update are usually by paranoid devs that figure the code will leak and want to keep people paying for it. Some will make the code quirky so those using it will get a good laugh like "winterfirejustletmejerkoff" however long codes have a novelty the first time and wear quickly if the player has to enter them multiple times. Kinder devs will just put a button that is unlock, done, now buzz off and stop bothering them already. There are others that just include an unlock file which place it in the game and shazam, no muss no fuss, just plug and play. I would have to ask this though, if someone would feel cheated using a cheat code are they really the people going to use this feature? Not very likely so it's extra steps as those clamoring for this are not going to regret the decision to open the gates to paradise.


By "Feeling cheated" I meant those people who spent a lot of time to complete the gallery by playing, especially since it is an option I am adding at the end of the project. I might be wrong, but that wouldn't be very fair to them. Either way, for those who just want to see the scenes/cgs, it will not change anything if the gallery will not display a "100%".


Not displaying a "100%" sounds like it will generate false error reports. Overcomplicating it for the sake of a boogeyman that would be upset people are enjoying content they likely don't have the time or determination to get legitimately. It doesn't undermine the completionist if someone less skilled uses the White Tanooki suit to beat the level but this is hard mode vs easy mode :P This is a pacifier feature, just Let them eat cake lol

Sieg Warheidt

As someone who painstakingly went through the entire game to get all the hcg, I’m gonna say to still add the option. It took forever to unlock em all for me and I, for one, would 100 percent welcome a button to do all the cg unlocking for me xD