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As described in the previous news here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cg-preview-and-79581962 due to how the epilogue is structured, I have no means to write all scenes for all routes in a single release (since I want to keep a monthly release), so the only choice I have is to focus on each route each release, until all of them reach the common ending, which is Ares Familia's invasion.

Due to the results of the last poll, R27 will cover Hestia's route till its ending, it is also possible I will have enough time to make the canon route, so these two choices have been excluded from this poll. The harem choice has been added back since there is still quite a lot of material to cover.
In the past polls I have also forgot some choices, so they're added now.


Rikou Hogashi

how does one even get into the Harem Route? start with the Lili route after showing interest in Ais in the beginning?


No, it is actually a little harder: You need to show interest in Ais at the beginning to get in the common route where you unlock the Brothel, do all the brothel scenes (3x Samira, 3x Lena), then continue the game without pursuing any relationship (Demeter doesn't count, but at the time of writing this, her "route" is still largely unfinished), then during the ishtar saga pick the harem choice: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harem-route-r24-78338755 and defeat Aisha in combat.