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In one of the quests you will be taking on R8 there will be one by Demeter in which you will be able to help during the harvest season -through a minigame.

The minigame is rather simple, and unlike the screenshot suggests, there is no actual "time", you can progress it at your own pace. The time decreases everytime you perform an action.
Your objective is described before the minigame begins, but essentially you need to harvest as much food as possible, then move to the next area.
Once you progress far enough, goblins will start to appear, making the progression past area 5 much harder.

The time available depends on your agility, in my case I had 400 agility which grants me an even 200 moves.
Depending on your progress in the minigame, you will gain valis, excelia (much lesser than the dungeon) and, more importantly, improve your relationship with Demeter.
You can quit the game at anytime and your progress will still count.

Unlike most of the other minigames that will be featured in future, this one is temporary... As soon as you progress Demeter's relationship far enough, the harvest season will be over and you will have the chance to enter her route.

Demeter will not be the only heroine obtainable through side events, Airmid will also have her own quest, although beginning her route will be much simpler and quicker (no minigame involved). *

Speaking of quests, I quickly discovered that sticking to the dungeon alone is... A little repetitive and does not give me much room to make quests outside of "kill monsters", as such in future releases I would like to include locations outside of Orario which gives me the possibility to explore things such as Bandits, Sea monsters and other threats unrelated to the dungeon.

*NOTE: The beginning of their routes will be featured within the main storyline, if you meet the requirements (No previous relationship, the brothel events do not count).



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