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We hit the 1 million subscriber milestone on YouTube today, and wanted to thank all of you for your support! Honestly, we wouldn't be able to do even HALF of the projects we get to work on without the support of you folks on Patreon. We love every minute of this, and hope you do too.

We're also working on a special 1 million subs episode to celebrate with you all, but it's gonna take a bit! You know what our pipeline for Extra History is like. ;) Stay tuned, though: it is coming!






if there's ever a EC discord account, his face in the animated .gif format has to be the icon XXD




Congratulations :)


There's an unofficial EC discord server! It's fan-run but a few of us pop by when we can: discord.gg/HJXgS


Congrats to the whole Extra Credits team! And thank you for inspiring me to become a game designer. Quite possibly the best choice I've made, and it's all thanks to you guys!


Congratulations guys! These are some of the best, most entertaining, videos on history available. I hope you guys are doing this for years to come. I've even taken to using these videos in the history classes I run, so you're helping to educate people!


That's amazing! We're so glad you found your path in game design. Best wishes to you!


That is some of the highest praise we could ever hear! I'm so glad that they're useful in classes. Cheers to you and your students!




Favourite channel by far!


Congrats, guys! Entertaining AND informative is a rare combination, but you guys manage to pull it off on a regular basis, so I'm glad you're finally starting to get the recognition you've deserved!


Fantastic! My favorite series on the internet, hands down! I'm always more than happy to lend my monetary support and I'm excited to see you guys come so far. =)


Congrats, but you guys are so awesome I sorta presumed you did this some time ago. Weird.

Tiberia Prima

My gods, this animation.


Haha, no, we've been steadily creeping towards it for ages but we finally crossed the line!

Stormy Weather

I'm so glad that so many people have found you guys! You are so much fun to watch, and you're doing so much good! I'm glad I get to help in some small way^_^ Congratulations guys!


I feel so old for saying I remember the days when Dan's voice was so high and mildly annoying. Congrats Team EC!


You know, it never bothered me at the time, but I watch those episodes now and I do kinda wince at how squeaky it was. ;) -Soraya


Yah! Good job guys. I remember when I first heard about when you were something that showed up on the Penny Arcade website every once in awhile. Now lookit ya!




I Think I speak for us all when I say that, for a Series that began as a Phone Call from Creative Assembly saying, "We're Finishing our latest Total War Game and we've got some Money left over in our Marketing Department. The way we see it, we could spend our Money on some more Banner adds, or we could Pay you Guys to make some Videos talking about Roman History. You don't have to Mention us or the Game, just Teach them History." Extra History has definitely become One of the best Historical Series on YouTube. Here's Hoping there'll be many more in the Years to come.


That little party thing looks so underwhelming. I love it.


Congratulations you guys! You deserve it! Off topic: Any chance of getting a Walpole mug? I love the shirt.


Congratulations!! I am so happy that 1 million people can now enjoy the content you provide. You guys are great, and I am so to be able to help support you guys.


Congratulations! It's well earned :)


Dan looks younger in that GIF than in the other videos :P


I found this on Penny Arcade a few years back. When I first started watching these (chronologically, of course) I compared them to mini TED talks about video games. I always wondered how many others got the same impression. I have been glued to this channel since I found it, and Extra History is one of my favorite channels because I have always been a history buff. I have, multiple times, listened to an entire series of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History just because its so fascinating. I'll just summarize at this point: Thank you SO much. I know it's not much, but that's why I subbed.


Is that where you found us? Yay! Thank you for checking out the show back then, and staying with us all this time!


That moment was SUCH a lucky lightning strike. And we got to know Will Overgard, who hangs out with us now at PAX and such things, so we hit the lottery all around on that series!


...Elijah, now my wheels are turning. I hadn't considered a Walpole mug before but I will now! Printing cups in multiple colors (even our Game mug) is difficult but a nice Walpole silhouette could do wonders...


That number sounds so daunting when you put it that way! But thank you very much, we appreciate your support and hope to keep doing this for a long time!


I'm flattered by the comparison to TED talks! And super glad that both the video game content and the history content offer something you enjoy. We knew we all loved those topics, but it was kind of a gamble thinking others would enjoy the combination as well. Here's to many more!


Congrats guys! You guys really deserve it, Here's to 1,000,000 more.


I've been following y'all since BEFORE y'all were picked up by Penny Arcade. It's super exciting seeing y'all hit this milestone. :D


Thank you! And thanks for making so many jumps around the internet with us in those early days. <3


Same here. I remember watching some zero punctuation, and seeing a link to the side somewhere. "Extra Credits? What is that? Hrrrrm. Click." Never regretted it.


Absolutely love the show, both the normal episodes and Extra History. I do miss James Recommends though, and/or more Games You Might Not Have Tried would be really great. I can never get enough of those!