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No more running. No more hiding. Ned Kelly's war with the police ends now.


Early Access! Ned Kelly - V: The Iron Outlaw - Extra History

Ned Kelly sought revenge against the police. He built plate armor and planned to derail their train so he could kill them, but his plan was betrayed and police surrounded him and his hostages. It all came to one final showdown in Glenrowan, Australia. Support us on Patreon!



Hooray! First Like and First Comment TWO Times in a Row for this Series. Ok I have Failed to surpass my Personal best [Three Times from the Catherine the Great Series] but that's not Important, Right? Just a Minor Weekly irritation as far as I'm concerned.


when i saw ned die i cried so much #ripned


Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind? Can he walk at all, or if he moves will he fall?


Ned Kelly... the Original Iron Man! =)


Thank you so much for the wonderful series! I never knew his story, as in American History Education, Australian outlaws are rarely a topic. Thanks again!

Film Vagabond

That was quite a series. Ned Kelly was a really interesting historic figure, I'm intrigued for the Lies episode if there is one


thers wallpole in the triel


Walpole, by this stage, had been Dead for over half a Century, having Passed away on 18th March 1745. His Grave is in the Parish Church of his Estate in the Village of Houghton, Norfolk.

Paul Grodt

From what I had read of the story, the idea that the armor was forged from plow blades was uncertain. I'd love to hear more details on the armor in the Lies episode.


Our sunshine.


I was wondering whether you'd mention the Jerilderie Letter in this video but I'm guessing James will be covering that in Lies. It's a really interesting document and it's hard not to see the parallels between then and now in Kelly's words. Do we know what happened to the rest of the Kelly family?


I'm glad we could discuss it! It felt like a really good inroad to Australian history, as it's easier to get attached to a specific character (like Ned). I'd love to do more of it in the future! -Soraya


Hm, every source I had cited plow blades as a fact. There were definitely A) police reports from (baffled) farmers whose plow blades had been stolen and B) a report from a police informant which said that the gang was building armor from plow blades.


Yeah, Jerilderie Letter will be Lies material. There were a lot of members of the Kelly family, so it's hard to list for every single one of them, though in most cases yes, you can find out if you look them up! Ellen Kelly returns home and lives out the rest of a mostly quiet life (albeit with some public attention for being Ned's mother). One of his sisters briefly goes on tour doing a riding show on a horse she said used to be his. I believe one of his brothers went on to serve in the army, but I'm not sure of that. And there are more, but I'll let you look those up. ;)


Hmmmm, wish I had heard more bout the police officers, but I suppose there's only so much room you can fit into the series.


I'm certain Ned wished that the story ended in a volley of gunfire, rather than a swing on a rope. Did his own guns malfunction? Did he run out of ammunition in the fight? Did the mist ruin his powder? Such is life. Vanity of vanities.


On review, I just noticed the "Son of Red" on the rifle Ned uses. This little detail has me looking up the weapons used in the . . . um conflict, if that's the right word for it.


I might have just read one of the worst things I've ever read: "The original was thrown out by Melbourne’s Museum of Applied Science in the 1950s. The lock plate (inset) may be a relic of that original." from this page: <a href="http://www.ironoutlaw.com/weapons/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ironoutlaw.com/weapons/</a> I hope this isn't true, but then again, BBC deleted every episode of Doctor Who once. . .


He surrendered because he had been incapacitated; his knee had been shattered and he could no longer walk. This was on top of other injuries he had sustained to his (largely unprotected) arms, and a severe battering that he received because bullets bouncing off metal armor still hit hard and that HURTS. Most people who saw him at that point (including Ned himself) thought he would die there from his injuries, but he didn't, and so he tried to make his case at court.


Unfortunately, a lot of Kelly material was lost or misplaced; Australian museums have been slowly collecting it back in more recent years, but in the immediate aftermath of the Kelly Outbreak, the official stance of government was that he had been an unredeemable criminal and so they did not want to enshrine any of his possessions as historical. A lot of his things were snapped up by people at the scene, though, who recognized that this had been a momentous event and wanted some souvenier to show how close they'd been to the action. One of the things that's still missing today is Ned Kelly's skull, which someone took home as a trophy after his autopsy.


I wanna know what happened to that quarreling sister of Ellen Kelly


btw cnn compared the cleveland manhunt to a video game if you didnt know already love the content especially the videos talking about public misperception of video games


I kinda like how Ned up until the end is kind of Robin Hood-like... This whole story was great! Looking forward to the one-off and the lies episode!


Her sister-in-law from the very beginning? I'm not actually sure. I didn't really keep track of her.