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I can't believe we made it over $5,000 already! You guys are amazing... but you knew that! I'm thrilled to remove the bottom bar ads as promised, even though it'll mean a few hours of work for me changing settings for 250+ videos. ;) A few of you have written to express concern about this milestone costing EC money that could otherwise be used to support Extra History. You are the most generous people, and we appreciate that concern very much. <3 Let me assure you, though, that we wouldn't have offered that milestone if we thought it would hurt the show. Your donations have secured the existence of Extra History, and now we get to focus on adding more content that will make the show even better (we've already got plans). We figured the least we could do to say thanks was remove an annoying ad to make your video watching time a little more pleasant.



Thank you, guys, I'm happy to support.


Loved the new episode. If this keeps up, you'll be tempting me to donate more.


I must agree with Frederico. I was so happy to have the opportunity to lend my support to both your project and your wonderful team. I look forward to seeing some wonderful things coming in the future. :)


Personally I thought the milestone was in reference to the History videos, removing them all I am not sure it’s a good idea. Maybe create a poll and see what people think, personally I don’t want them all removed. I think you should remove the pre-rolls and those kinds of adds but the little pop ups that we can close, you should leave them. My preference would be for all pre-rolls to be gone, all video adds basically, and just leave the pop up adds on the others. And remove all kinds of adds from the History vids. What do my fellow patrons think?


I wouldn't want them to make less money; if EC says removing the banner ad doesn't hurt the show, I'm inclined to trust them


Glad to hear you've taken the economics into account. Hope to see EC grow, and that includes financially. Hope to someday see packs of episodes on itunes or the like with minor bonus content. Maybe a commentary version, where you talk about writing/animating the episodes and what was going on at the time of this episode, as you watch them (those can be fun to make and watch, and cheap).


Though I'd like it if you guys had more money to work on this, I'm glad to have the annoying bottom bar adds removed. I'm really psyched about the prospect of your 10,000 promise of weekly videos, and I really hope that happens. Surely you've heard of crash course, the second best creator of history videos on the internet. They do videos quite frequently thanks to grant money from Google as a education initiative. I bet you guys could definitely get some money from an education foundation to make more extra history.


WOOT! I love plans to make the show better :)


Yeah, I'll be shocked if we don't make it to 10,000. I plan to make full use of these videos for homeschooling my kids this year!


I definitely see educators making use of these videos in their classrooms.