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Our Patreon launched over two years ago, and the donation tiers remained the same for most of that time. Recently (as some of you will remember), we started to change some of those rewards, hopefully making them more affordable or more reliable for you.

And here we go again! Starting March 1, the $5 Tier and $8 Tier will change to the following:

$5 Tier: Vote on Future Topics & Monthly Q&A

Summary: Vote on Future Topics every 7 weeks / Participate in Q&A with the creators every month

Explanation: When we launched this Patreon, we planned for every Extra History topic to last 4-5 weeks at most, but as we learned more about what the show needed we had to change that to a regular 7 week schedule. As a result, the Voting reward could only take place every 7 weeks as well, and unfortunately that meant $5 patrons only got a reward every other month. But there is one thing we can do every single month, and that's host a Q&A! Starting March 1, the voting reward and the Q&A reward will be bundled so that all $5 patrons get a reward every single month. We'll kick it off by offering two Q&As in March; followig that Q&As will be once a month.

$8 Tier: Suggest a Topic

Summary: Suggest a Topic every month

Explanation: This winter, instead of limiting our $8 patrons to one topic suggestion per Extra History series, we tested a method of allowing everyone to send two topic suggestions split up over two months. This way, patrons can decide between sending the same topic twice (to increase its chances) or sending multiple topics (for those of us who have trouble choosing between our favorites!). It worked so we are moving to it on a permanent basis, and starting March 1, all $8 patrons will get to suggest a topic at least once a month. We'll kick it off by offering two topic suggestion rewards in March; following that, topic suggestions will take place once a month.

Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave them below or send us a Patreon message!



This helps as my financial situation has changed for the worse. I want to and will continue support as long as I can.


We love having you, Aaron, but if things change enough that you need to cancel your pledge at any point, please do so and don't worry about it! Your comfort and safety comes first, and the episodes will ALWAYS be free for you to watch.


That would be a good idea! Remember that we only cover topics that happened before 1920CE, but other than that, go wild!


So does that mean that I would get an extra topic suggestion each time?


It's one suggestion per month, but each series takes 7 weeks, so on balance you'll usually get two suggestions per series! Does that make sense?


Seems sensible to me!


Question: for the limit of the 1920s. is that a limit at the stop of 1920 or 1930s? I ask because I would like for Extra History to cover the Coal wars, particularly the battle of Blair Mountain where 10,000 miners took up arms against the coal company and the US dropped bombs and tear gas from planes on the miners.


We could do the Coal Wars! The 1920s cut-off is a little flexible. I generally don't go all the way up to the 1930s (unless we're talking about a really long event, the bulk of which occurred before the 20s) but something like the Coal Wars which went up to 1921 as I understand it would be perfectly all right.


So when is the next topic suggestion and vote just to be sure?