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This shirt will go on sale in the Extra Credits online shop on September 2. It will also be available at our PAX booth from September 3 onwards. You can check out the online shop here: https://store.dftba.com/collections/extra-credits

We've all heard that history repeats, but what if it repeats for a reason? What if there's someone pulling the strings, and it's not some Illuminati-esque shadow cabal but a single man who always stacks the timeline in his favor?

What if all along... It was Walpole?

On Extra History, we've covered events from many continents and many eras, but no matter where we go or how far back in history we look, Robert Walpole - publicly known as the first Prime Minister of Great Britain - connects to all of them. Who pumped up the tax on tea that led to the First Opium War in China? Walpole. Who nurtured the career of a young historian who would go on to write the most expansive text on Justinian's famous but under-appreciated general, Belisarius? Walpole.

So the next time you read about strange coincidences or unlikely choices made in historical times or even the modern day, don't ask why. Because you know why:

It. Was. Walpole.




NOOOO! Why you do this? Need money For moving...


No you don't. Give your money to Walpole!


Nice, are you going to just have Unisex? I think the three best parts of transitioning have been Skirts, the Bag of Holding, and Necklines that don't feel like you are being slowly strangled.


Just Unisex for now, but I am actively working on expanding our line-up to include boat necks or baby doll tees. It's going to take me a while because we're honestly still working out what types of design actually work (the old "Fail Faster" and "For Science" shirts are going to be retired in September due to slow sales), which means I've only been doing one version of everything until I get a handle on what you folks like and want me to keep around. My hope, however, is that we'll have more expansive style options by the holidays this year!


Love it.

Tiberia Prima

I have a funny feeling the audience is going to be wearing nothing but this at Magfest and future Pax's, right? Because I sure will be :3


What booth #? I don't EC on the exhibitor list.