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Want to party with Extra Credits at PAX? Join us this Saturday night (Sept 3) at 6pm for Design Club Live with Dan, James, and the crew!

Buy your ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/design-club-live-tickets-27418177507

This party takes place in Seattle, WA and will focus primarily on games, since that's theme of PAX as a convention! However, two of our three Extra History artists will be there along with most of the crew and we would love to meet you if you're able to join.




Will anything be uploaded to Youtube for us unwashed non PAX people?


It had to be the same weekend as Bumbershoot :/


...is the guy next to James dressed as the 10th doctor, or is that just a coincidence?


Probably not. :( I'll talk to our film friend and see if we can shanghai him for that purpose but no firm plans as of right now. (Also you are not the unwashed masses; you are dear to us and precious!)


It kinda frustrates me that PAX is on Bumbershoot weekend, Bumbershoot was here first! ...but PAX is part of our traditions now.


Wish I could be there, but Sat in my day to leave early to take care of the dogs. :-(


"Panelists: Bladibla, people, people.... Robert Walpole (Everything Always)"