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Hello lovely Patreon Members!

Not sure if you all are aware but we run some pretty fantastic shows on Twitch!

Some of which are:

Extra Breakfast, Mondays @11AM EST - Where Will and Matt talk about the latest and greatest news happening in the gaming industry!

Design Club  Tuesday @1PM EST- Where Will and Geoff break down how to make your first game. Focusing on promotion, game mechanics and much more!

Extra Politics Wednesday @6:30PM EST - Where Will, Ryan, Luke, and Adi talk about the power of governments and their political stance on current events happening around the world.

We also stream playthroughs of rogue like video games, Will and Matt trucking through europe AND new games like Elden Ring. Which will be streamed by Matt Friday at 4PM EST!  

And if you're intrested purchsing any of the games we stream, we also have a Nexus page HERE. Which list the games we play, what platforms they're on and a portion of the proceeds helps out the show! 

Hopefully everyone finds an awesome new show that fits your schedule! 

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Brief lamb update: of 58 pregnant sheep, one of the care farms I go to has now had 10 that have given birth, one of which had twins and another triplets.


Triplets? Wow! that doesn't happen very often, does it?