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We're still working on the Lies episode (First Opium War/Federico da Montefeltro) and the Music Video (Waning Moon), so early access will be late today! We are hoping to have at least one of them ready for you sometime this evening so you won't have to wait too long. :)

For our overseas friends to whom "this evening" doesn't mean anything distinct, evening for us is about 8 hours from the time of this post!



Great, so I'll get the episode during the same day whatever the case (the post was posted at 7.43 PM my local time, so +8 hrs is 4.43 AM on Saturday morning... with Saturday being the date the episodes are usually posted. Well, at least it's A BIT early :P


Hey, no sweat! A late, good product is always better than a crappy rushed product... too bad most gaming companies fail to understand that...


Yeah, see, we're embodying our own game development principles. <.< >.> :D