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Okay but enough about this guy let's talk about vampires!

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Vlad the Impaler - The Living Dead - Extra History - #5

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Probably the biggest inspiration for Stoker's novel, was Varney the Vampire of London, the Original Vampire. His novels were a hit before Stoker's Dracula came out and most likely Stoker copied a lot of things from Varney, while adding a number of his own stuff to spice it up. And this lack of Vampire accusations against Vlad III does make sense for him when he appeared as a Lancer in Fate/Apocrypha, where he fervently HATED the Stoker legend about him and wished for nothing else than its complete annihilation. Ultimately, Vlad is one of those legendary figures in history who will never go away. Whether he is a symbol of national identity or independence, or the Tyrant of Blood nonpareil, or simply that jerk from Wallachia who didn't like you coming to pass through, Vlad III Dracula is going to be a name that will live forever.


Ah, you did mention the 1958 film version. That's good ~ it's recently been named as the 65th best British film ever. Anyway I'm glad I wasn't in your office with you at the end as the smoke may well have triggered an asthmatic reaction on my part!


I think these below are the most relevant to the time frame this particular episode takes place in [what I tend to do is copy and paste longer words from Wikipedia which is why so many have capital letters.] 1462 11th February In the Principality of Wallachia, in a Letter to King Matthias Corvinus I of Hungary, Prince Vlad III “the Impaler” of Wallachia Claims to have Killed “23,884 without Counting those who we have Burned in their 28th March In the Grand Duchy of Moscow, although the Principality was Restored in Name after the War of The Second Grand and the Dukes of Moscow have Claimed Overlordship of it, such has not been the Case. Most City-States, although Technically Acknowledging the Overlordship of the Grand Duke in Moscow, continue to Rule themselves Virtually Independentally. In 1462, Ivan III becomes Grand Duke of Moscow and sets out to change that, once and for all. First, he changes Moscow into an Absolutionist State and begins a Series of Campaigns against the other City- States, Deposing their Rulers and Annexing ther into his Own. It will take some , but Eventually Ivan will Unite the whole under his Rule. In the Principality of Wallachia, upon Capturing Târgoviște, Prince Radu “the Handsome” Immediately Reaches out to Groups Alienated by Vlad, such as the Boyars and the Transylvanian Saxons. With Vlad on the Run, Clearly Defeated, Boyars Increasingly Defect to Radu. [Vlad’s Campaigns of Murderous have not Exactly Endeared him to the Remaining Sections of the Wallachian Nobility] A Great Warrior Radu is, Perhaps not, but he is a Cunning enough Diplomat to Present himself as a Reasonable Alternative to his Vicious Brother even if he is a Byzantine Puppet. In the Principality of Wallachia, after Radu “the Handsome” takes over the Throne in Wallachia, Vlad “the Impaler” goes to Transylvania to Seek help, where he is Captured by King Matthias Corvinus of and Imprisoned on False Charges of Treason. In the Kingdom of Hungary, Prompted by the Courtiers of King Matthias Corvinus I, Stories about Prince Vlad III “the Impaler” of Wallachia’s Cruel Acts Spread. According to One Story, Foreign Messengers [either Muslim Turks or Genoese Italians Depending on the Version] came to Pay Homage to Vlad, but when they are Asked to Remove their Turbans or Headscarves, but the Envoys Answered it was against their Custom to take off their Head Coverngs so Vlad “Honours” this Tradition by Ordering them to be Nailed to their Skulls so they could not take them off. In another, Vlad had Two Monks Impaled to “Assist” them into Heaven and then, when their Donkey started to Bray over its Masters’ Deaths, Vlad had had it Impaled as well. 1474 In the Kingdom of Hungary, the Papal Delegate Niccolò Modrussa Paints the only Extant Description of Vlad III “the Impaler,” who he had Met in Budapest. He also Recounts a Rumour he had Heard from a Roman Catholic that, while in Prison, Vlad had taken Rats, Cut them up and Impaled them on little Pieces of Wood, unable to Forget his Acts of Wickedness. 1475 In the Inca Empire, the Population has Recovered to a Certain Extent, but it is still smaller than it was in 1455 at First Contact. 1476 In the Principality of Wallachia, Vlad “the Impaler” Declares himself Prince of Wallachia for the Third and last Time. In the Kingdom of Hungary, Count Vlad “the Impaler” is Slain in an Ambush along the Road to Bucharest along with his Entire Moldavian Retinue Fighting against Basarab III “the Old.” His Body is cut into Pieces and his Head is sent to his old Enemy, Emperor . He will be Remembered as a National Hero by Future Generations of Romanians who Fought for the Independence of the Romanian Lands against the , , Strigoi [Vampires] and other Evil Spirits while Leading an Army of Gypsies and Angels and will Assert that Vlad’s Acts of Cruelty were Necessary in Order to Secure Public Order in Wallachia. Future Historians will Assert that, had Vlad been put on Trial at Nuremberg, he would have been Condemned for Crimes against Humanity and the Mass Murders that Vlad carried out would Amount to Acts of Genocide and War Crimes by Modern Standards. 1478 14th January The Republic of Novgorod, the last Rus' State not to Recognise Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow’s Overlordship, Surrenders and is Forcibly into the Grand Duchy of Moscow. 1860 In the Principality of Wallachia, Theodor Aman Paints the Meeting of Vlad “the Impaler” and the Turkish Envoys, Showing the Envoys’ Fear of the Wallachian Ruler. 1897 26th May In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Irish ~ Born Theatre Manager Abraham Stoker’s Gothic Horror Novel Dracula is First Published in London. It will Influence the Direction of Vampire Fiction over the next Century. 1921 In the Federal State of Austria-Hungary, the First Film Version of Dracula is a Hungarian Silent Film Called “Drakula halála,” Telling the Tale of a Woman who is Admitted to an Insane Asylum where One of the Inmates Claims to be Count Dracula. Director Lajthay is both an Actor and the Director. 1922 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Abraham Stoker’s Widow, Florence Balcombe, Learns of the Existence of Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau’s Silent Film Nosferatu via an Anonymous Letter from . At the Time, Balcombe has been Struggling Financially, and as Stoker’s Literary Executor, she has not given Permission for the Adaptation or Received any Payment for it. Wanting the Financial Reparation she Feels is due to the Estate [which she will never see] she Opens a Lawsuit in which she is Supported by the Lawyers of the Society of Authors. 1925 In the German Empire, in the Final Ruling, a Judge Orders that Prana Film Hand over all of the Negatives and all Prints of Nosferatu be Handed over to Florence Balcombe to be Destroyed. 1958 7th May In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Gothic Horror Film Dracula, Starring Christopher Lee as the Titular Vampire and Peter Cushing as Doctor Abraham van Helsing, is Released in Gaumont Haymarket in London. Upon the Film’s Release, it Receives Praise from Fans of Abraham Stoker’s Works and the Trade Journal Reviews. As Dracula, Lee will Fix the Image of the Fanged Vampire into Popular Culture and will Add a Dark, Brooding Sexuality to the Character.