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Vlad's history is stranger than any story of vampires could ever make it. 


Vlad the Impaler - Son of the Dragon - Extra History - #1

Sign up to Morning Brew for free today https://bit.ly/mbextracredits Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler, the real life dracula, is surrounded by folklore, mystery, and myth. Even during his time the stories about his famed impalings traveled all around Europe. In his home country, he is hailed as a hero who stopped the Ottoman advance into Europe, but elsewhere, the tales tell of his thirst for blood & brutality. What is the truth? ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics, and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Want to contact us directly? Email us: contact@extra-credits.net Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "The Real Dracula" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com/



Yes! Extra Literature!


Oooooh ~ a first foray into Romanian history! P.S: And you featured a Chicken!!! You Knew I was watching, didn't ya?


I would really like an Extra Literature episode on Dracula.


Extra Literature sounds dope


Extra Literature would be absolutely amazing


Extra Literature sounds amazing.


Oh, and Rob, please don't interrupt Matt when he's making Vampire jokes, please? 1400 16th September In the Kingdom of England, Welsh Leader Owain Glyndŵr Assumes his Ancestral Title, Prince of Powys, in the Presence of his Eldest Son, Gruffudd, his Brothers-in-Law, and Bishop John Trevor of St. Asaph, Signalling the beginning of an Armed Rebellion against the English. The First Welsh War of Independence has begun. In the Sultanate of Rum, an Earthquake in the City of Bodrum, , Shatters the Columns of the Mausoleum of Mausolus, sending the Bronze Chariot Crashing down and leaving only the Base still Recognisable. By this Time, the Chinese Empire has been Extending its Power out to Sea for the last 300 Years. To Satisfy ever Growing Demand for special Spices, Medicinal Herbs, and Raw Materials, Chinese Merchants have Developed a Rich Trading Network Extending from the Islands of Southeast Asia to the Fringes of the Indian Ocean. Yet, Despite the Fact that their Ships have been Trading in the same Region for Several Centuries, Egypt and China have had no Direct Contact. No Egyptian Ship has Travelled as far as China, and no Chinese Ship has Paid a call on an Egyptian Port. This is about to change. By the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, China has reached a Peak of Naval Technology Unsurpassed [at least for now] anywhere in the World. Using many Technologies of Chinese Invention, Chinese Shipwrights have also Combined Technologies they have Borrowed and Adapted from the Seafarers of Sri Vijaya and Japan. Advances such as Double ~ Hulled Ships Divided into Separate Watertight Compartments, the Sternpost Rudder, Lanteen Sails, and the Magnetic Compass, have Combined to Produce Ships far Superior to anything in Europe or Asia. Both the Song Dynasty, and their Successor, the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Encouraged Commercial Activity and Maritime Trade, so the Succeding Ming Dynasty Inherits large Shipyards, many Skilled Shipwrights, and Finely Tuned Naval Technology from the Dynasty that Preceded it. By this Time, Pressure from Vinland to the North has Lead to the Formation of a Native American State to the South. This Confederation of Chiefdoms, Called the Kingdom of Mvskokia, is a Society Based on the old Southeastern Mississippian Society, with the Addition of Iron Working and European Domestic Animals. The Population in this has Recovered quite Strongly from the Epidemics brought by the Europeans over the Past few Decades, and they Receive help from a Surprising Source: Aragon, who, having Established their Colonies in the Caribbean, find the Mvskokians a useful Buffer between their Own and those of Vinland to the North. The Aragonese Supply Firearms and Ammunition, which Strengthens the Resistance the Mvskokians are Able to put up against Vinlandic Incursions into their . The Aragonese also Sign a Treaty Pledging to come to Mvskokia’s Defence should Vinland Attempt to Invade the . Vinland does not Attempt to do so, and the Mvskokians are Able to Maintain themselves in a somewhat Uneasy Peace for the next 200 Years. 1402 In the Emirate of Granada, Emir Muhammad VII of Granada “Neglects” to send Aid to Castile during a against Portugal. After this, Granada is Effectively Free and, Increasingly, they can Pocket the Gold from the Saharan Trade Routes for themselves. 1403 In the Chinese Empire, the new Ming Emperor, Huangdi Zhu Di, Known to History as the Yongle Emperor, wanting to Impress China’s Power upon the World, as well as Show off China’s Resources and Importance, Orders the Construction of Special “Treasure Ships,” Ships over 400 Foot long, 160 Foot wide, with Nine Masts, Twelve Sails, and Four Decks, each large enough to Carry 2,500 Tons of Cargo, each Armed with Dozens of small Cannons. Accompanying those Ships will be Hundreds of smaller Vessels, some Filled only with Water, others carrying Troops, or Horses, or Cannons, still others with Gifts of Silk and Brocades, Porcelain, Lacquerware, Tea, and Ironworks that will Impress the Rulers of far ~ Flung Civilizations. The Yongle Emperor Selects Zheng He, a Muslim Eunuch, to Command this Fleet of Exploration. In the Chinese Empire, the Yongle Emperor Orders the Rebuilding and Expansion of the Great Wall. While Parts of the Wall have Existed since the Time of the Qin Dynasty, only now is it Built into the One continuous Fortified Structure we Know today. 1405 11th July In the Vijayanagara Empire, Admiral Zheng He’s Treasure Fleet of 317 Ships stops in Champa, the Khmer Empire, and then on to the Islands of Sri Vijaya, to Points along the Strait of Malacca before Proceeding to its Main Destination of Kozhikode, in the Empire of Vijayanagara in Southern India. 1407 In the Vijayanagara Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes 68 Ships to the Court of Vijayanagara to Attend the Coronation of a new King. 1409 In the Chinese Empire, Chinese Troops Conduct Notably Destructive Punitive Raids against the Mongols, and the Mongols themselves make Several Incursions into China. In the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet, with 48 large Ships and 30,000 Troops, Visiting many of the same Sites as well as Malacca City on the Malay Peninsula and the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. 1413 In the Persian Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet of 63 Ships and over 28,000 Men to many of the same Sites as well as the Strait of Hormuz on the Persian Gulf. 1417 In the Egyptian Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet further than ever before, First to the Port of Aden along the Red Sea and then on to the East Coast of Africa, stopping off in the Egyptian Port City of Mogadishu, Puntland. Egyptian Officials Invite Zheng He to Visit the Pharaoh in his Capital City at Sais, and Zheng He Accepts. 1420 In the Egyptian Empire, Admiral Zheng He and the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet Sail through the Suez Canal and into the River Nile, Arriving in Sais. He is very Interested to Discover that Egypt Boasts a Civilization far older than that of his Own Empire, a Fact that is Reinforced after Pharaoh Psamtik XVI takes the Chinese Admiral for a Tour down the River Nile on the Royal Barge, Showing him the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, and the Ruined Temple Complexes at Karnak and Abu Simbel, among other things, all of which Impress him Mightily. The Pharaoh, for his Part, is Impressed with the huge Chinese Ships and Especially with the large Number of fine Porcelain and Silks that Zheng He’s Fleet have brought with them. Both Items have been Available for Centuries in Limited Numbers, via Trade with Chinese Merchants in India, or via a Dangerous Overland Route Known as “the Silk Road,” but now the Dazzling Opportunity for large ~ Scale Import Presents itself, and the Pharaoh is very Desirous of Establishing Formal Relations, Including Trade. Therefore, when Zheng He Returns to China, he brings with him an Ambassador from Egypt. It will be the beginning of a long and Mutually Profitable Relationship between the Two Powers. 5th August In the Principality of Wales, Owain IV, Prince of Wales, is Slain in Battle at the Age of 71 in the Welsh March. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Founding Father of the Modern Kingdom of Wales, Famous for Leading his Countrymen First to Victory and Independence from the Deeply Hated Oppressor, King Henry IV of England during the First Welsh War of Independence and then, later on, against his Son, King Henry V of England, during the Second Aquitainian War. [although he had to Acknowledge Henry V as his Feudal Overlord to keep Wales from a Return to English Rule under the Terms of the Treaty of ] Welsh Mythology will Recreate Owain IV as the Hero Sleeping quietly in the Hills, Awaiting the Day when Wales will once again Call on the help of someone Bold, very similar to the Legends Surrounding King Arthur. He will also be Recreated as “Owen Glendower” by the 16th Century English Playwright William Shakespeare in the Play Henry IV Part One, a Role that will be much Sought after by Welsh Actors, as a Wild and Exotic Man Ruled by Magic and Tradition. 1422 31st August In the Kingdom of France, King Henry V of England Passes away at the Age of 35 from Dysentery inside Château de Vincennes, Île-de-France. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as One of the Great Warrior Kings of Medieval England, Immortalised in the Plays of William Shakespeare, most Famous for his Military Success against France during the Second Aquitainian War, most Notably his Victory at the Battle of Agincourt, making England One of the Strongest Military Powers in Europe. In the Chinese Empire, Admiral Zheng He and the Egyptian Ambassador Arrive at the Court of Huangdi Zhu Di of Ming China. Formal are Established between the Two Powers and Trade Agreements are reached. A Chinese Ambassador is Dispatched to Egypt. 1st July In the Kingdom of Naples, Aragonese Troops Enter Naples, Uniting it with its Sicilian Hinterland. King Peter IV is Crowned there and Rules the Country in Personal Union with . 1423 In the Empire of , the Beylik of Invades the Empire of after a Substantial Bribe from the Recently Bulgarianised Byzantine Empire, only to Subsequently be Invaded itself by the Byzantine Empire. In the Kingdom of , King Peter IV of Passes away at the Age of . He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the King who Finally Completed the Aragonese Conquest of Naples, Reigning [Briefly] as King of Naples for only One Year, never Achieving the still ~ Greater Feats he Advocated, such as an Aragonese Conquest of Cyprus, Despite now being Master of a Considerable Realm which Stretches from the Pyrenees to Greece via its Ownership of Sicily. In the Empire, in this Year, the First Egyptian Trading Ships Call at Chinese Ports and Chinese Ships begin Regularly Visiting Egyptian Ports, and the Chinese Ambassador takes up Residence in Sais. 1426 12th September In the Kingdom of Denmark, a Son, Eric, is Born in the Danish Capital City of Copenhagen, Capital Region, to King Eric VII of Denmark and his Wife, Queen Elizabeth of Viken. 1430 In the of , an Indirect Consequence of the Increasing Popularity of Chocolate in the is an Increased Demand for Sugar. Chocolate, by itself, is very Bitter and Unpleasant but, of Course, if Sugar is Added, Chocolate becomes not only very Tasty, but almost Addictive! Sugar is, at this Time, an Expensive Product which has to be Imported from and, to a lesser Extent, from the . and Europe have tried Producing their Own Sugar but never with any Great Success, so they Remain Dependent on Imports for now. 1431 In the Khmer Empire, the Kingdom of Siam Invades the Khmer Empire. In the Kingdom of Hungary, a Son, Vlad, is Born out of Wedlock in a Three ~ Story Stone House in the Transylvanian of Sighișoara, , to Prince Vlad II “Dracul” of Wallachia and a Kinswoman of Prince Alexander I “the Good” of Moldavia whose Name has been lost to History. 1432 In South America, the Portuguese Colonisation Fleet Lands on the Coast of Brazil where the Settlement of Macapá is Founded near the Mouth of the Amazon River. They Initially Trade Peacefully with the Natives and begin Exploration of the Amazon River and its many Tributaries. 1444 In the Most Serene Republic of Venice, Fearing the Grand Duchy of Tuscany’s Economic Competition, Venice Declares War against the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. 1446 15th February In the Kingdom of Denmark, ever since the Treaty of Kalmar was Signed in 1431, it has been Stipulated that the Crowns of Viken, Svealand, and Denmark rest on One Head. Denmark is the Seat of this Union, the Dominant State of the North and a would-be Contender to the Influence of the Hanseatic League. Newly Crowned King Eric VIII has not Inherited a Baltic Empire, however; his Predecessor Died Three Months after his Coronation. While the Recently Introduced Sound Toll is a Great Source of Income the Crown has also been Forced to Pawn many of its Lands to the Noble Families of Thott, Gyldenstjerne, Rosenkrantz, Ronnow, and Frille to Pay for the many Expenses of keeping the Union together and the Failed Wars of his Predecessors. If he is to Prevent Royal Power from Weakening, he must get that Land Back by any Means Possible. In the Principality of Wallachia, John Hunyadi, now the Governor-Regent of Hungary, Invades Wallachia to Punish Vlad II “Dracul” for making Peace with the and Unexpectedly Breaks through. 1447 In the Principality of Wallachia, Mircea II of Wallachia, the Eldest Son of Vlad II “Dracul,” is Caught by at Târgoviște, Dâmbovița , Blinded with a Red hot Poker and then Buried Alive. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Elder Brother of Vlad III “the Impaler” whose Vlad Avenged by Carrying out a of against the who he held Responsible for his Father and Brother’s , becoming the Inspiration for the Literary Figure Dracula. 1450 1st January In the Italian Peninsula, Humanism has Grown into a more Mature Movement, Analysing the Society in which they Live and Comparing it to the Ideals of the Classical Philosophers, ready to Penetrate all Aspects of Society. A new Ideal for Rulers as well as for those who are Ruled is Spreading quickly as the Early Printers can Distribute Copies of these new Ideas. A True Renaissance Humanist is an Expert on everything from Politics to Art, Textual Analysis, Music, and Architecture. The Renaissance has begun, and is now ready to Reshape the World to better fit its Classical Ideals. In the Sri Vijayan Empire, the Great Age of Sri Vijayan Sailing is Drawing to its Close. The larger Populations that the American Crops have Created have Caused a Shortage of Wood in some Places. As a Direct Consequence of Building the Great Chinese ~ Style Junks that the Sri Vijayans need for Travelling the Oceans is often seen as a Waste of Resources. The Sri Vijayans have Sailed as far as is Humanly Possible with the Technology they Currently have, and the Islands of their Archipelago are well Populated. There is no more Virgin Land for them to Sail and Trade over Thousands of Miles for Tools and Slaves is just not Worth it. Sri Vijaya itself Remains an Ocean ~ going Empire and continue to Sail for vast Distances ~ Persian Shahs still Dine on Sri Vijayan Cuisine, Arabian Women still Regularly Scent themselves with Sri Vijayan Perfumes, and European Kings are still Prepared to Pay Jaw ~ Dropping Prices for the latest Oriental Fashions [much to the Disgust of the Religious Authorities] but these Voyages are now the Exception rather than a way of Life. In the United Maori States, the Age of Kingship is now beginning as the now Regular Food Surpluses Developed North of the 40th Parallel are given a Military Application. Before the Spread of the Temperate Maize Cultivars, Supplies have always been Limited during War. Now, instead of Briefly Campaigning before Returning Home when the Supplies run out, Warriors can bring Packs of Corn to Eat with them and Stretch their Ability to stay in the Field. With this Development, Wars in New Zealand are becoming longer and the Stakes for them Grow higher. Instead of Enslavement, Vendettas, and Petty Feuds, larger Wars of Conquest are now Possible with the more Powerful [and better Fed] Chiefs Subduing and Subsuming their Rivals into their Political Control and Create large Kingdoms. Losing a War is Rarely a Disaster in New Zealand. Survivors are Merely told to keep Farming and give the Surplus to a more Distant Chiefs. If they do not Farm Intensively, then the new Cultivars of Maize will be Introduced and Farming will Commence. The Elites ~ Chiefs and their Families ~ are Simply made to Swear to the Victorious and then left as “Bureaucrats” who Supervise the new Conquest on Behalf of the Conqueror, which in Practice Means not a lot changes from Ruling it themselves. There are some Wars that turn Nasty with Chiefdoms Threatening to Wipe each other out but these Wars End less often in Massacre and more usually in Enslavement as the Economic Value of Labourers for Farms is too Great to be Ignored. Some Refugees Fleeing from this Fate Move to the Southern Island, Fighting with the People who are already Living there and Driving them to Sail out to the Islands ~ a Final Chapter of the Glorious Polynesian Expansion. 1458 24th January In the Kingdom of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus is Elected as King of Hungary at the Age of 14. 25th March In the Kingdom of England, Hoping to Reconcile the Warring Factions of the War of The Lions, Henry VI Organises the “Love Day” where, under the Auspices of the at St. Paul's Cathedral, where Certain Reparations are Ordained, all by the 1460 30th December In , , Richard, the Duke of , is Slain in Battle at the Age of 49 near Sandal Castle, West , along with his Younger Son, Edmund, of . His Decapitated Head is then Impaled on a Pike and Displayed over Micklegate Bar at by the Victorious Lancastrians Wearing a Paper Crown. He will be Remembered by Future Historians for his with King Henry VI’s Wife, Margaret of , and a Competing Claim to the Throne which were Leading Factors in the Upheaval of mid 15th Century and were a Major Cause of the War of The Lions. 1462 In the Egyptian Empire, Pharaoh Necho XV Issues an Edict Outlawing Slavery. Despite some Resistance from among the Nemhu [Especially in Ophir, wherein Slavery Remains somewhat useful and Important in the Mining Operations there] the Measure is Ratified by the Council of the 400 Elders. In the Principality of Wallachia, after Radu “the Handsome” takes over the Throne in Wallachia, Vlad “the Impaler” goes to Transylvania to Seek help, where he is Captured by King Matthias Corvinus of and Imprisoned on False Charges of Treason. 1463 In the Egyptian Empire, fed up with being, as they see it, under ~ Represented on the Council of 400 Elders which Advises the Pharaoh [ Proper Receives 200 out of the 400 Seats on the Council under the Current Constitution, while the Nemhu of the other Provinces Share out the Remaining Members, with Ophir Receiving the Lion’s Share, but is, nevertheless, not, in any way, Shape, or Form Analogus to their Portion of the Population of the Empire] and the last Straw is Necho XV’s Edict for the Abolition of Slavery which is Heavily Favoured by the Nemhu of Proper and other Provinces of the Empire, but is Completely Rejected by the Nemhu of Ophir. And so the Nemhu of Ophir Rise in and Succeed in Temporarily Establishing the Independence of their Province from the Empire. Indeed, Controlling the Rich Gold Mines of the Region as they do, they are able [via Merchants from the Songhai, Kanem-Bornu, and the Zulu Republic] to Import large Quantities of Arms and other Military Supplies [from the Byzantines, the Songhai, Kanem-Bornu, and the Kalmar Union] and are therefore able to Field a large Army. Of Course the Pharaoh cannot Allow Ophir, the Foundation of his Imperial Treasury, to Secede from the Empire and sends his Armies South. The Great Rebellion has begun. 1466 In Central Asia, Dayan Khagan Reunites the Mongol Tribes again under a Restored Mongol World Empire. Over the next few Years, they will become a Major Irritant to the , who will Fight Numerous Campaigns, not always Successfully, against them. 1470 In the Egyptian Empire, the Great Rebellion comes to an End when Pharaoh Necho XV Offers an Amnesty to the Rebels if they Surrender and Promises to Amend the Imperial Constitution which Portions out Seats on the Council of The 400 Elders among the Various Provinces on the Basis of Population. The Nemhu of Ophir Accept this and lay down their Arms. Despite the Offer of an Amnesty, Necho has the Ringleaders Rounded up and Fed to the Crocodiles in the Temple of Sobek. Necho, however, keeps his Promise Regarding Constitutional changes, which he, like his Ancestor Psamtik XV, has Engraved for all Time on the Walls of the Temple of Karnak. The Nemhu of Egypt Proper End up with 120 Seats on the Council and the Nemhu of Ophir 100. 28th November In the Vietnamese Empire, Vietnamese Emperor Lê Thánh Tông of Vietnam Launches a Naval Invasion of the Champa Kingdom, beginning the Vietnamese-Cham War. 1471 21st May In the Kingdom of England, the Deposed King of England, Henry VI, is Murdered at the Age of 49 either by or on the Orders of King Edward IV inside Wakefield Tower of the Tower of London. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Weak ~ Willed, Mentally Unstable Monarch, the last Ruler from the House of Lancaster, a Cadet Branch of the Royal House of Plantagenet, as well as for having been the loser of the Wars of The Lions and the Third Aquitainian War. Informally, some will Regard him as a Saint and Martyr, with Miracles being Attributed to him after his Death, although he will never be Canonized. 1473 In the Byzantine Empire, the “Turkish Wars,” [also Known as the “Reconquista”,] a long, slow Reconquest of the Anatolian Peninsula from the Various Turkish Beyliks, begins. It will be Marked by short Bursts of Activity Followed by long Periods of Consolidation, with Byzantium Gradually Eating away at the Beyliks, Playing them off against each other, Accepting others as Vassals and even Converting One or Two of them to Orthodox Christianity and even using them to Eradicate the Remaining Byzantine Greek States. 1476 In the Principality of Wallachia, Vlad “the Impaler” Declares himself Prince of Wallachia for the Third and last Time. In the Kingdom of Hungary, Count Vlad “the Impaler” is Slain in an Ambush along the Road to Bucharest along with his Entire Moldavian Retinue Fighting against Basarab III “the Old.” His Body is cut into Pieces and his Head is sent to his old Enemy, Emperor . He will be Remembered as a National Hero by Future Generations of Romanians who Fought for the Independence of the Romanian Lands against the , , Strigoi [Vampires] and other Evil Spirits while Leading an Army of Gypsies and Angels and will Assert that Vlad’s Acts of Cruelty were Necessary in Order to Secure Public Order in Wallachia. Future Historians will Assert that, had Vlad been put on Trial at Nuremberg, he would have been Condemned for Crimes against Humanity and the Mass Murders that Vlad carried out would Amount to Acts of Genocide and War Crimes by Modern Standards. 1478 14th January The Republic of Novgorod, the last Rus' State not to Recognise Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow’s Overlordship, Surrenders and is Forcibly into the Grand Duchy of Moscow.


Those eyes…