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The votes are in, the patrons have spoken - we're going to be doing a series on the History of Paper Money! This series will air in late fall/early winter of 2016.

Current Series Order: Early Christian Schisms --> First Opium War --> Gracchi Brothers --> History of Paper Money

P.S. Sorry for the delayed announcement, everyone! I totally lost track of it on my schedule this week. But the poll automatically closed on April 26 at midnight so the final vote counts were unaffected by my tardiness. -Soraya




Yessssss economics!


What a joke. Choosing money over the greatest dude to ever live? Descartes? SHAME! This guy was epic!!!


I looked at the topics and thought "But I want them all!"

Kurt Yost

Get ready for all the nuts who want the gold standard back and think paper money is a tool of the Illuminati.


I sense many images of Fallout barter system being used to explain how it worked before money.


Are there a reason why you have stoped labeling the different topics by what history they come from. It was really nice to know if it was Roman, Medival Europe, Ecnomics or Scientific history. I personally did not know who the Gracchi Brothers where, but I would have voted on them if I knew it was Roman history. Also it bugs me that half of the Justinian series start with Byzantine Empire and the Other does not, guess i have OCD or something. However keep up the great work, cant wait for the Christian Schisms series.


Most of it was that those summaries weren't really able to represent the full range of the topic. For example, the First Crusade is classified as "Europe" but much of the action took place in Asia Minor. Or the South Sea Bubbles series was classified as "England," which fits, but doesn't describe the fact that it's mostly an economic history series. Same for Broad Street Pump, which was classified as "England" but is a history of medicine story. In these cases, both descriptions would be accurate so picking one seemed arbitrary. Or take Mary Seacole - do you classify her as Crimea, even though it's only episode 2 that takes place there? Or England? Or Jamaica? Or History of Medicine? Basically it was adding another layer of editorial judgment, i.e. "These are the people to whom this history belongs." So it was largely that, but the final nail in the coffin was that as always, we want to encourage you all to Google these topics. Only one topic can win, but if you wind up Googling all of them to find out what the other three are about, then in a small way at least you get a taste of more history than we'll have time to share on the show.

Tiberia Prima

I sense many "it was Walpole" moments on the horizon . . .


I think that's the one where an ex con turned royal postmaster got made head of the mint, and - wait, I'm mixing Discworld up with history again? Aww dangit.

The Cayute

Damnit, it's never the French ones >.< Well Walpole jokes aplenty ahead. Probably even an aside about the original American Confederacy's attempts at paper cash failing miserably (the first one before the Constitution)


Apparently it's a myth that currency systems evolved out of barter systems. Prior to paper money, however, as I recall what used to happen is if you needed to transport large quantities of cash from a to b (e.g. you're a merchant on a trade route), you spend your money to buy jewels and spices at one side of the trip, and sell them at the other side, because that way the wealth you're transporting was lighter than it would be in actual cash.


Know what would be AWESOME for a halloween topic? the History of Count Vlad Tepes, or Vlad II...commonly called Dracula. =3


just something you might consider for october


Well, at least the French are used to losing. --- Now excuse me while I go hide under a desk, because my high school French teacher (from Grenoble) once popped out of nowhere to scold me for making that joke in the hallway of a different building and now I'm pretty sure she can just *manifest* to punish people for it.


Hey, just wondering when the next topic suggestion raffle would be.


My suggestions for the next months: World's First Circumnavigation, Protestant Reformation + Catholic Inquisition, and Warring States China.


I'd honestly go for China during the Three Kingdoms period.