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Surprise, patrons! We have another sponsored series for you! Hearts of Iron IV (by Paradox Interactive) asked us to take another look at World War II, this time from a strategic overview. The economic and political underpinnings of war fascinate us to no end, so we were glad to oblige!

As before, this will be a bonus series that does not interrupt the regular Saturday episodes. There are no patron rewards (read: early access) associated with it, but you will be getting an extra episode of Extra History each week! The Resource War will air every Tuesday for the next four weeks.


WW2: The Resource War - I: Arsenal of Democracy - Extra History

*Sponsored* Hearts of Iron IV comes out on June 6! Check out the game: http://pdxint.at/hoi4_coming_soon To understand nations at war, you have to look at how their economies function. With World War II on the horizon, Europe and Asia dug themselves in for a fight - and a look at each other's resources told them what to expect. --- (Episode details below) Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Watch the WW2: Resource War series! http://bit.ly/1PRaI22 Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ Why doesn't this series use the Nazi swastika symbol? James explains: http://bit.ly/1Pzy1k5 ____________ European economies were so closely connected that some people expected they have to avoid another world war or destroy their finances, but in fact World War I had taught them how to prepare for just such a scenario. Germany, France, and Great Britain all invested in their military before war broke out. When evaluating these economies to see how war would affect them, we look at four main factors: GDP, population, territorial extent, and per capita income. Broadly, this helps us determine how resilient, expansive, self-sufficient, and developed a nation is. All of those factors determine how a nation must conduct its war. For example, the vast territorial holdings of the British Empire meant that they had vast resources to draw upon but needed a long time to mobilize them, which helped Germany determine that they needed to strike fast and win big if they hoped to win the war before Britain's full resources came into play. Japan also estimated that they could win a war in the Pacific if they managed to win before the US had been involved for more than 6 months. These calculations drove the early strategies of the Axis powers, but the participation of the US would later prove to be a crucial factor. ____________ BONUS! Economies of Japan and China before WWII: GDP (Bn USD-1990) Japan - 169.4 Japanese Colonies - 62.9 China (exc. Manchuria): 320.5 POPULATION (mil) Japan - 71.9 Japanese Colonies: 59.8 China (exc. Manchuria): 411.7 TERRITORY (thous sq.km) Japan - 382 Japanese Colonies - 1602 China (exc. Manchuria): 9800 AVG ANNUAL WAGE (USD-1990) Japan - 2,356 Japanese Colonies - 1,052 China (exc. Manchuria) - 778 From: “The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison” by Mark Harrison Buy the book! http://amzn.to/1oxvdKQ ____________ ♫ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♫ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



On the one hand: Yay! On the other hand: don't burn yourselves out. I seem to recall that doing two EH series at a time would put too much strain on you guys, and that's going from one extra series right into another. On the other other hand: I just have to say I find it interesting that the sponsored series are tending to be more recent history. And AHHH, I HAVE THREE HANDS! I should stop now.

Michael Waisfeld

Good... Good... all that money I spent on crusader kings 2 DLCs is finally paying dividends.


Great to see you guys getting so much well-deserved attention

Kyle Clark

Yea! A series for us economists/econ students! More numbers please! :D

Hasan Mahmood



I love how this series keeps growing. First it was a one shot. Then every other week. Then every week. And now twice a week. Keep it coming!


I'm definitely for learning about new perspectives, so this will be fascinating. But don't push yourselves to hard, we do care about you guys.


You're the Two-Handed Sword from Munchkin! My favorite! But yeah, to be honest with you, this set of sponsorships were basically the reason we went from being unsure if our team could handle another show at this time to being completely sure. We're a little stretched thin right now, to say the least! But as much as we'll be relieved to see our beds again once this run of episodes is over, it's actually been a ton of fun making them. And we did figure that it would be a good opportunity to experiment with more recent history, although so far it's done more to reinforce the idea that we shouldn't for me, personally. -Soraya


It was actually a bit wild how fast that turned around. We went from a bunch of game companies being like "But why would you do a show about history" to having them reach out to us. Pretty cool!


You're gonna be happy. :) If I may, I also recommend the book we got the numbers from: “The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison” by Mark Harrison - <a href="http://amzn.to/1oxvdKQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://amzn.to/1oxvdKQ</a>


(Promise this isn't a virus): <a href="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c5/ChemicalMan.laugh3.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20130708185506" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c5/ChemicalMan.laugh3.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20130708185506</a>


We'll make it! Gonna need some naps at the end of this, though. I appreciate the concern! &lt;3


Yay sponsorship! I'm glad that Patreon exists to help you guys make this but Extra Cash is always good! I hope you guys get more so long as you don't burn out! Wish I could send you guys a gift basket of muffins and coffee! The financial aspects of war are fascinating and often overlooked even though they play such a massive part in it. I don't mind the numbers at all but the graphs are super helpful for me. Visual representations are fantastic and a great teaching tool. I'm hope to see more as you go forward.


In lieu of a muffin basket, I will eat this snickerdoodle in your name - ::om nom nom::


I'm really enjoying these WW2 series! Any chance of one focusing on the war in Scandinavia? Battle of Drobak Sound? Soviet-Finnish winter war? Hear the stories of people like Birger Eriksen and Simo Hayha?


Think we need to take a break for a while after this one... it has been fun, though!