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Well, it's certainly been an eventful weekend! On top of the SUPER CLOSE topic vote (for which the Gracchi Brothers probably stuffed the ballot box), we also hit our $13,000 milestone! You all are amazing.

And you know what that means: art pages! From now on, each series will come with an additional piece of hi-res art  for you to download, set as your desktop/phone background, or print so you can have a poster! This will begin with the Suleiman the Great episode (and sorry, but it doesn't include sponsored series like the ongoing Battle of Kursk episodes!)

As for the next milestone... well, stay tuned. :) We have something in mind that we think you'll enjoy!



I wanna know. Why've you gotta tease us like this?


If anyone really wants a Battle of Kursk poster, I could do a fan art version. No way it'd be as good as what the EH crew will likely make in the future of course. Anyway, congrats on the milestone! Love this series so much. :)




congratulations! i would love to see a admiral yi poster. he is my favorite ^^

Michael Waisfeld

Gratz guys. You've come a long way since the WWI series




Congrats! Side question, regarding high res. Will the series over move to 1080p on YouTube? :)


Just talked to Dan about it. It may be something we can do, but it'd be a ways out since there are other projects ahead of it. Nevertheless, we'll definitely give it a look!


Aww. Currently we're not planning to go back and create hi-res art pieces for past series, and unfortunately I don't have anything about Admiral Yi himself. :( It's a small consolation, but we DID post a full size version of the "Last Battle" scene David drew, waaay back when this milestone was first announced, and you can find it here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/3118035">https://www.patreon.com/posts/3118035</a>


Well, for one, because I didn't want to steal thunder from the $13k milestone... but the wait won't be long!