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We've had some close votes before, but this was truly the closest vote we've ever seen. It came down to exactly ONE vote to break the tie and see the Brothers Gracchi surge from second place to first at the closing minutes of the poll. Heck, even 3rd/4th place was decided by a difference of three votes!

Link: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/VoIP4JEk?qid=799692

Schedule: Suleiman the Magnificent --> Early Christian Heresies --> The First Opium War --> The Brothers Gracchi

How fitting is it that a series about voting and politics was itself decided by a single person's ballot? Just goes to show you that every vote counts!



Tyler Henderson

That is the most fantastic result I have ever seen.


Awww! I wanted to learn about big boob lady from civ 5. :D. A very close result indeed though.


Nonono. If this truly mirrored western democracy, Catherine the Great would be raising hell demanding a re-count. I'm rather pleased though... :)


My favorite was Sir Francis Drake, but oh well, they're all looking good. Will the 2nd place show up in a future vote?


I'm so excited! The Gracchi brothers are a perfect mirror for what's happening in American politics in the early 21st century. This is exactly what we need to see, I can't wait!


GAH so close, Catherine, so close!! I'm looking forward to supporting her and Francis Drake in the next poll though. (Of course as usual, I want to see it all... question of voting for what I want to see FIRST at this point really)


Sweet. BTW, as someone who did a bunch of research into the Gracchi brothers, I'd like to recommend, in addition to Appian's account, Plutarch's account which has an incredibly dramatic account of the last day in the life of Tiberius Gracchus. The toenail detail specifically was what inspired me to write a paper about that day.

Zoe Alleyne

So I hate to always be THAT girl, but would it be possible to sometime have a poll with only women in it to guarantee a woman-centric episode. I love your show but it's SO hard to get attention for women in history. Even in shows that try to be progressive women take a back seat because SO much less is written about women and one of the things I love about EH is how in depth you will go to uncover history. I'd love to see more ladies get this treatment.


Such a fitting result that they won a tense election by a single vote, considering the parallels the Gracchi share with current state of US politics and this will probably air in August/September in time for the US general elections. This has been the most interesting Extra History poll to watch. Catherine was about 10 votes ahead on Saturday, then Gracchi were 18 votes ahead on Sunday. Throughout Monday, Catherine and the Gracchi were jockeying for front-runner, constantly flipping and never more than 3 votes apart.


I would love to see that myself, maybe Catherine the Great, Maria Theresa, and maybe the first Hojo woman Shogun (Sorry, can't think of her name off the top of my head) to show off three women who defied their typical roles, and made the country better for it. That said, just remember when looking at most history of Europe, women had incredible power inside of the family, and thus controlled the fate and lineage of empires.

Nicole Barovic

Dang it. Will Catherine the Great be nominated again?


Wow, How Democracy Fall Apart wins by one vote against Catherine the Great on, wait for it, International Women's Day. Maybe we should just call it a tie this time and have one after the other. If one topic only lost by one vote then it means the interest if definitely there. If not though my next vote is going to Catherine the Great and only Catherine the Great next time... unless War of the Triple Alliance is a choice.


My vote mattered!


Yay Gracchi !


The want for knowledge is real. I love this community.


You want to know what's infuriating about that? I didn't get the email about the new vote on time and missed it by a few hours... and Id've voted for Catherine! :s


Oh no! I blame the Gracchi. They probably bribed someone to intercept your emails!


We can't really call it a tie (since that would just mean you all get NO vote for the next series) but Catherine the Great is not gone forever. She will be back in anohter vote someday!


Someday, yes! She's been in two votes in a row so far, however, so she may take some time to rest and plan her strategy for the next vote she's part of.


I had to stop watching. I love seeing how the votes turn out but this one was too tense for me! I loved them all.


Sir Francis Drake is too much fun for him not to appear again at some time. :)


James probably knows these stories already, but since I don't, I'm looking forward to hearing them!


Topics that don't win are always eligible to come back! And we also hold special votes where the most recent 4th place topics all get a chance to do it again.


I mean, if I were her, I would demand a re-count too. Those Gracchi brothers don't seem very trustworthy...


Considering this series will come out in August-September of 2016, it's going to be very timely for American politics!


It's fascinating how more upsetting it is to lose by single vote compare to last time. Oh well, should include "Rasputin" somewhere in a title for next vote along with Catherine, 100% votes guarantied, even if they have nothing to do with each other.

The Cayute

One day...the Jacobites will succeed in an uprising. Even if it's just a topic vote!! Seriously surprised about Cathy not getting it though, thought she had it locked when I voted.


Well, the Jacobites will come back at least twice, once in the last place vote and once in the Patreon do-over. So they are not finished with their uprising!


I still can't believe it came down to just one vote. But hey, Catherine can make her comeback someday! ...without Rasputin's help. ;)


I wonder if there is a way to do instant run off voting instead of first past the post?


Wow, I ended up choosing the Brothers Gracchi over Catherine after serious consideration. It's cool to see how these things play out!