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Two spears in the chest is a bad start to the day, yes.


Exploring the Pacific - Magellan's Mistake - Extra History - #4

Thanks to our Patrons for selecting this topic! Want to choose what subject we cover next? Join us on Patreon and vote on topics for EH! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Ferdinand Magellan has made a very, very big mistake. Determined to circumnavigate the world, and cross the ocean Balboa had sighted in 1513, he’d just finished a perilous four-month journey—rounding South America and making it all the way to a previously unknown series of islands: the Philippines. He’d gotten involved in local politics, converting a ruler and his kingdom to the Catholic faith. But to keep their new conquest secure, they must crush a rival sub-chieftain, Lapulapu, who would not submit to Catholicism. Magellan tells his local allies to stay on the ship—he will take forty-nine men and overawe Lapulapu’s men with muskets and crossbows. They wade into knee-deep water, firing muskets, but to little effect. The Mactan warriors are unafraid of their weapons. Magellan has come a long way to die in the surf. Check out all our shows at http://extracredits.site Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Contribute community subtitles to Extra History: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6054623?hl=en Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Watch us play games and have fun on http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Pasifika" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



Compulsory clip coming now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM-igYjn6E4 I immediately thought of this when you said in your last Episode you'd be doing Magellan. 50 AD In the Principality of Samoa, a Samoan Crew Exploring the Marquesas Islands Discover Mesoamerican Castaways who Introduce a Suite of Mesoamerican Plants to Oceania: Sweet Potatoes, Cassava, Squash, Beans, Maize, and Chili. These Plants are all brought Back to Samoa where they Cause an Agricultural Revolution that Diversifies not only the Polynesian Diet but also Produce a huge Ammount of Calories for far less Labour than the Traditional Crop Package of Taro and Yam. The Resulting Growth in the Population, and Free Time, Encourages the Polynesian Tradition of Exploratory Voyages which, in Turn, Speeds up the Polynesian Expansion. 740 The Umayyad Caliphate Invades the Indian Subcontinent. 780 By this Time, the Umayyad Caliphate has Overrun Northern India, Pushing its Borders to the Line of the Jaxartes River, the Hindu Kush Mountains, and the Himalayas. This will Mark the Furthest Point of Islamic Expansion Eastwards, as the Formidable Terrain Barriers in the South, as well as the Fierce Nomadic Tribes of the North Halt the Drive Eastwards. 800 In the Pacific Ocean, the Booming Population of Polynesia have by now Reached the farthest Edges of the “Polynesian Triangle,” ~ New Zealand and Easter Island. These will Represent the Eastern and Western Limits of the Polynesian Range. Although a few Explorers will Venture out beyond these Islands, no Permanent Polynesian Settlements will Survive outside of the Triangular Borders they will Mark with Hawai’i. The Lapitan Polynesians, for Example, are Driven from their Homeland after the Native Lapitans lose too many of their Taro Harvest to the Pigs and Band together to Repulse the Foreigners. The Polynesians Move West until they find a new Land: Alawaland [OTL Australia] They Land in the Subtropical Coast, taking over Seasonally Uninhabited Land where the Lapita Hope they will be Safe. In the Kingdom of Keita, Ironically, the Polynesians themselves Literally Seeded the Acceptance of Pigs into the Keitan Landscape before they Left. Their Cassavas are now Established on the Island, and over the next few Centuries, they will Edge out Taro as the Crop of choice. The Fact that Cassava is much less Labour Intensive than the Taro means that, once it becomes a Staple Crop, the Lapita saw Pigs as a much better Investment. It would be much Easier to Create an Excess Harvest to Feed them, and if the Pigs Destroy a Cassava Patch, then it is not too much Effort to Grow more. In the Khmer Empire, a Mass Migration of Indian Hindus and Buddhists to the Myriad of Hindu Kingdoms and the Islands of the Sri Vijayan Archipelago in Southeast Asia Occurs in the Aftermath of the Umayyad Caliphate’s Invasion of the Indian Subcontinent. Hinduism had been Introduced Centuries ago, so these People are Absorbed by the Various Kingdoms and Island Nations of the Region with no Major Disruption of the Historical Developments that happened there OTL. The Main Difference is that, Strengthened by Millennia of Egyptian and Chinese Trade, and this boost in Population, the Hindu Kingdoms there will be Able to better Resist Muslim Encroachment and Islam will never Gain a Foothold in the Region. 1204 13th April In the Byzantine Empire, with nothing left to lose, the Crusaders Assault Constantinople itself, Burning and Plundering the City for Three Days. Forces from Venice Rip the Famous Bronze Horses from the Hippodrome and Carry them Back to Venice to Adorn the Façade of Saint Mark’s Basilica. Even the Tombs of the Emperors Resting in the Church of The Holy Apostles are Systematically Plundered by the Crusader Army, and the very Altars of the Churches are Smashed and torn to Pieces for their Gold and Marble by the Warriors. The Civilian Population of Constantinople are also Subject to the Crusaders’ Ruthless Lust for Spoils and Glory; Thousands are Killed in cold Blood, and Women, Including Nuns, are Raped by the Crusader Army. Basileus Alexios V Doukas, Accompanied by Basilissa Eudokia Angelina and her Family, Flee the City and Escape to Mosynopolis on Board a Fishing Boat. 1213 In the Sri Vijayan Empire, a Nation highly Dependent on International Trade Wealth, is not Able to send its Ships through the Red Sea or the newly re ~ opened Suez Canal that lets Boats continue to the Mediterranean Sea and, hence, to Europe. The Non ~ stop Wars between the Powers in that Region have deeply Hurt the International Trade Situation, which had Flourished before the Break up of China. It is because of this Situation and its bad Effects for Sri Vijaya that Sri Vijaya begins to send out Missions of Exploration to try and Discover an Alternative Route to Europe. In the Kingdom of Madagascar, the Sri Vijayan Explorers come upon Madagascar, Landing in the Northernmost State of Antsiranana, which has Fallen on Hard Times since the Collapse of the Kingdom. The Legacy of the Satavahana can be seen in the Crumbling Buildings and in the large Ports which are now Shadows of their Former Selves. In Antsiranana, a Growing Alliance of Northern City-States has Provided some Semblance of Law and Order, and Minimal Trade with each other, but the Jungles have made the Central Portion of the Island difficult to Navigate since they have taken the Roads again. On Board the Ship is a Native Barito Speaker from Borneo. This Man, upon Hearing the Natives of Madagascar, is Able to Understand most of what they say. This Discovery Facilitates Communication and Instantly brings the Two Disparate Communities together, and the Sri Vijayans Learn of the Satavahana Kingdom’s Fate. When the Sri Vijayans Ask King Andry of Antsiranana if the City-States of Madagascar would like to become a Sri Vijayan Colony, King Andry of Antsiranana Speaks of the Fiercely Independent Spirit of many of the Leaders of Madagascar, who will React Violently if the Seek to change the Government and Remove the Leaders, but otherwise King Andry Believes that most of the City-States will Invite the Sri Vijayans since they are Known to be Wealthy and have a Strong Trading Network. 1235 In the Emirate of Granada, Sri Vijayan Sailors Sail Right around the West Coast of Africa and Enter the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar. Sri Vijaya starts a strong Trading Relationship with Portugal, France, and Norman England, among other European Kingdoms. 1400 By this Time, the Chinese Empire has been Extending its Power out to Sea for the last 300 Years. To Satisfy ever Growing Demand for special Spices, Medicinal Herbs, and Raw Materials, Chinese Merchants have Developed a Rich Trading Network Extending from the Islands of Southeast Asia to the Fringes of the Indian Ocean. Yet, Despite the Fact that their Ships have been Trading in the same Region for Several Centuries, Egypt and China have had no Direct Contact. No Egyptian Ship has Travelled as far as China, and no Chinese Ship has Paid a call on an Egyptian Port. This is about to change. By the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, China has reached a Peak of Naval Technology Unsurpassed [at least for now] anywhere in the World. Using many Technologies of Chinese Invention, Chinese Shipwrights have also Combined Technologies they have Borrowed and Adapted from the Seafarers of Sri Vijaya and Japan. Advances such as Double ~ Hulled Ships Divided into Separate Watertight Compartments, the Sternpost Rudder, Lanteen Sails, and the Magnetic Compass, have Combined to Produce Ships far Superior to anything in Europe or Asia. Both the Song Dynasty, and their Successor, the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Encouraged Commercial Activity and Maritime Trade, so the Succeding Ming Dynasty Inherits large Shipyards, many Skilled Shipwrights, and Finely Tuned Naval Technology from the Dynasty that Preceded it. 1403 In the Chinese Empire, the new Ming Emperor, Huangdi Zhu Di, Known to History as the Yongle Emperor, wanting to Impress China’s Power upon the World, as well as Show off China’s Resources and Importance, Orders the Construction of Special “Treasure Ships,” Ships over 400 Foot long, 160 Foot wide, with Nine Masts, Twelve Sails, and Four Decks, each large enough to Carry 2,500 Tons of Cargo, each Armed with Dozens of small Cannons. Accompanying those Ships will be Hundreds of smaller Vessels, some Filled only with Water, others carrying Troops, or Horses, or Cannons, still others with Gifts of Silk and Brocades, Porcelain, Lacquerware, Tea, and Ironworks that will Impress the Rulers of far ~ Flung Civilizations. The Yongle Emperor Selects Zheng He, a Muslim Eunuch, to Command this Fleet of Exploration. 1405 11th July In the Vijayanagara Empire, Admiral Zheng He’s Treasure Fleet of 317 Ships stops in Champa, the Khmer Empire, and then on to the Islands of Sri Vijaya, to Points along the Strait of Malacca before Proceeding to its Main Destination of Kozhikode, in the Empire of Vijayanagara in Southern India. 1407 In the Vijayanagara Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes 68 Ships to the Court of Vijayanagara to Attend the Coronation of a new King. 1409 In the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet, with 48 large Ships and 30,000 Troops, Visiting many of the same Sites as well as Malacca City on the Malay Peninsula and the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. 1413 In the Persian Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet of 63 Ships and over 28,000 Men to many of the same Sites as well as the Strait of Hormuz on the Persian Gulf. 1417 In the Egyptian Empire, Admiral Zheng He takes the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet further than ever before, First to the Port of Aden along the Red Sea and then on to the East Coast of Africa, stopping off in the Egyptian Port City of Mogadishu, Puntland. Egyptian Officials Invite Zheng He to Visit the Pharaoh in his Capital City at Sais, and Zheng He Accepts. 1420 In the Egyptian Empire, Admiral Zheng He and the Ming Chinese Treasure Fleet Sail through the Suez Canal and into the River Nile, Arriving in Sais. He is very Interested to Discover that Egypt Boasts a far older than that of his Own Empire, a Fact that is Reinforced after Pharaoh Psamtik XVI takes the Chinese Admiral for a Tour down the River Nile on the Royal Barge, Showing him the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, and the Ruined Temple Complexes at Karnak and Abu Simbel, among other things, all of which Impress him Mightily. The Pharaoh, for his Part, is Impressed with the huge Chinese Ships and Especially with the large Number of fine Porcelain and Silks that Zheng He’s Fleet have brought with them. Both Items have been Available for Centuries in Limited Numbers, via Trade with Chinese Merchants in India, or via a Dangerous Overland Route Known as “the Silk Road,” but now the Dazzling Opportunity for large ~ Scale Import Presents itself, and the Pharaoh is very Desirous of Establishing Formal Relations, Including Trade. Therefore, when Zheng He Returns to China, he brings with him an Ambassador from Egypt. It will be the beginning of a long and Mutually Profitable Relationship between the Two Powers. 1450 In the Sri Vijayan Empire, the Great Age of Sri Vijayan Sailing is Drawing to its Close. The larger Populations that the American Crops have Created have Caused a Shortage of Wood in some Places. As a Direct Consequence of Building the Great Chinese ~ Style Junks that the Sri Vijayans need for Travelling the Oceans is often seen as a Waste of Resources. The Sri Vijayans have Sailed as far as is Humanly Possible with the Technology they Currently have, and the Islands of their Archipelago are well Populated. There is no more Virgin Land for them to Sail and Trade over Thousands of Miles for Tools and Slaves is just not Worth it. Sri Vijaya itself Remains an Ocean ~ going Empire and continue to Sail for vast Distances ~ Persian Shahs still Dine on Sri Vijayan Cuisine, Arabian Women still Regularly Scent themselves with Sri Vijayan Perfumes, and European Kings are still Prepared to Pay Jaw ~ Dropping Prices for the latest Oriental Fashions [much to the Disgust of the Religious Authorities] but these Voyages are now the Exception rather than a way of Life. 1519 20th September In the Kingdom of Spain, the Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan sets Sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Southern Spain, with Five Ships and 270 Men, most of whom are from Spain, to find a Western Route to the Maluku Islands in Sri Vijaya and Trade for Spices. 1728 In the Russian Empire, Russian Explorer Vitus Bering Discover the Bering Strait, which he Names the Strait of Saint Nicholas. 1773 17th January In the Antarctic Ocean, the British Explorer and Cartographer Captain James Cook, on Board HMS Resolution, becomes the First European to Cross the Antarctic Circle. They Sail within 120 km of the Antarctic Coastline before being Forced to turn Back by Ice Sheets.


7:48 - Really? Was it Ingraham (technically an American) by chance that you're referring to?