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And here we come full circle. After fighting France for their freedom, then uniting against international powers, you would expect that the fighting would be over for Haiti. But Napoleon Bonaparte had different plans. He would send 80,000 men under the command of Charles Leclerc to fight and arrest Louverture. But Louverure's words will prove to be prophetic. And when the diplomatic Louverture is removed from the picture, France will have to reckon with the wrath of Dessalines. 

We've also started to implement some of our new $20 patrons in the credits! The new scrolling credits will be showing up in the second week of March, but until then, we'll be checking for new names on Tuesdays. 


The Haitian Revolution - Roots of Liberty - Extra History - #6

And here we come full circle. After fighting France for their freedom, then uniting against international powers, you would expect that the fighting would be over for Haiti. But Napoleon Bonaparte had different plans. He would send 80,000 men under the command of Charles Leclerc to fight and arrest Louverture. But Louverure's words will prove to be prophetic. And when the diplomatic Louverture is removed from the picture, France will have to reckon with the wrath of Dessalines. Join us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Check out all our shows at http://extracredits.site Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://becausegamesmatter.com/extra-credits-community-code-of-conduct Contribute community subtitles to Extra History: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCCODtTcd5M1JavPCOr_Uydg&tab=2 Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Watch us play games and have fun on http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Crête-à-Pierrot" by Tiffany Román http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



One kind of has to feel a bit sorry for Leclerc here. He was sent with the intent of negotiating peace terms, only for it to be bungled during communications and then Louverture's side burned Le Cap and it was off to the races from there. So Leclerc wasn't under orders to fight an uprising, but he was drawn into it by his own men and by pressure from Napoleon. Of course, a bit of sympathy goes out the window when they captured Louverture through lies. On that subject, I hearken Louverture to William Wallace. Both men believed in their nations independent of foreign rule, both men used what they had available and both men were ultimately martyrs. The difference here is that Wallace lost early on before he could gain proper traction against the English. Louverture was a bit more resourceful and lived further away from his enemies, giving him time to prepare his tactics and methods. And both men also had more brutal successors in their fights to gain independence.


Just in Time for Lambing Season. Who's next when the new series starts? P.S: The Sheep say "Baaaaa."


Excellent series guys; so glad to see you guys visit this subject.


A good sequel to this series for some time in the future could be about Abolitionism and how it grows succesful during the 1800s.


Was Jefferson really that pro-slavery?

G Patreon Fan

It seems you ended it while the history had a direct link to the "American Empires" abuse of that land - notably installing "Anti-Communist" dictators there that were living, breathing advertisements for the concept - the original "Papa and Baby Doc" - then dumping "Ag Subsidies" in the island to deliberately destroy the farming economy - CIA trained Death Squads destroying the "Communes" not ruined by this. They'd wanted to turn Haiti into an exporting ground of textile and manufacturing to break the unions/wages in America. Also toxic waste dumping to poison large parts of the land. Got so bad that Haitians repatriated when caught on a boat were sometimes burned alive and it broadcast on TV there - just their tv's were set to be between channels of US tvs and the US sent out jamming stateside so no one could see it here. But suddenly China proved a cheaper (thanks to false economies) and more strategic (How?) alternative so they DUMPED them with a ruined economy and society destroyed by corruption. Now they eat DIRT - literally chew on dirt/starch/sugar pies to delay hunger - but hey our charity sends them "Amplified Bibles"!!! - plenty of patrolling to keep anyone from 'trafficking' aka rescuing any of them and to keep them in their country especially after their earthquake and the news doesn't talk about it.

G Patreon Fan

The Founding Fathers were true Renissance Men for the advancement of humanity. BUT they were not saints or perfect. Also they could be seen as wealthy landowners who didn't want to pay King George for nearly bankrupting England defending them (French/Indian wars) via slightly higher tariffs. But to get the 'common man' to risk death (brutal Drawn and Quartering "Braveheart" level stuff) en masse they promised them freedom and true liberty. We've had to call on the rulers to fulfill their promises in the constitution time and again and will likely need to do in the future.


Why are the YouTube playlists so far behind? The last EH series to get a playlist was the Potato Famine. That was almost a YEAR ago.