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Like it says on the tin, this is the last week to order the Extra History Collectible Cards. After Wednesday, November 13 they will be gone faster than Robert Knight from Britain.

You can pick them up over at https://store.dftba.com/products/limited-edition-extra-history-collectible-card-set 

A few of the folks in the series:




Will they come back though?

Bill Lemmond

They're cute, and I see memory prompts on some of them, but I would have liked a little more info on each card. I'm not saying you've made a mistake - far from it. I know my Patreon support helps you keep YouTube interested in your videos, and I can still go back and review.


Guys Natalie Broome, worth, kent, Eastry, near sandwich and battle of Britain air, who just bought 2 packs and the add on is me, I jizzed my pants as soon as I saw them but I live *royally( in Vilcabamba Ecuador, I live in a post office its all mine, can you send it here instead, I can give full Address, anyone who sees it is welcome and has a nice room ready anytime. DR.Stephen Page, Old Post Office Vilcabamba Loja Ecuador, SOuth Americas 011019


Looks like cards are being shipped out this week - HUZZAH!


Got my cards today! THANK YOU ALL!!


Now we need cards from Extra Sci-Fi & Extra Credits, (Along with extra history set 2)!