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When the Pope promises absolution for anyone who joins the crusade, things quickly get out of hand.


Europe : The First Crusade - I: The People's Crusade - Extra History

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If you think the First Crusade got off to a crazy start, just wait until the Fourth Crusade

David Malinsky

Wow, this was probably the best online depiction of the Crusades I've seen! You guys lay things out so clrarly and logically! Awesome job, thanks!


Thank youiuuu


Very much awesome! Kitty so approves!!


Your guys' costumes are just the most amazing things ever. I WANT THAT DRESS. Also, the art on this one is just overall gorgeous!


Amazing work! Looking forward to this series very much.


Its almost like removing people from all accountability from their actions is a bad thing or something. Geez, what could possibly go wrong?!?


Expect to see a metric ****ton of "those" kinds of youtube comments.


It wouldn't fit - I'm guessing your hands and head are connected to your torso :-)


The first crusade has such a rockstar cast. People like Godfrey de bouillon, Bohemond, Tancred, Peter Bartholomew, Zengi etc etc. From The Knight of the Swan lives on!


This whole thing was a mess from start to finish, but Western civilization would ultimately benefit from it in the long run.

Shakal Draconis

And to think this isn't even the 'crazy failed one' when looking at the Crusades.


Yes... The Children's Crusade was... An even worse disaster. (...Maybe. The historic record is a little muddled on what's fact and what's fiction from that mess, though I think it's clear that it was a complete mess - The gist is that a teenager got vissions of Christ telling him to raise a band of children (or possibly peasants) to go convert Muslims in the holy land to Christianity), many starved to death on the way to the Mediteranian, which they expected to /part for them/, Moses style. Some kindly seamen gave the rest and those who didn't drown on voyage (At least one of the boats sank on the way) were then sold into slavery at the other side of the crossing. At least, as I recall. And, as I said at the start, it's fairly unclear how much of this is actual history, how much is myth, and how much is conflations of different events.


Excellent first episode, EH crew! And geez, that Count Emicho is a &#$%@.


I (Soraya) don't know much about the after effects of the First Crusade, so I'd love to hear about it if you ever want to expand on that!


I know the first three of those feature prominently in our version of this tale, so keep an eye out for them. Actually, the episode where they get introduced is my favorite episode of Extra History so far!


I hope not, but if they do show up, at least I've been on that particular roller coaster before. :P


Sooo Hitler wasn't the first German to commit genocide against the Jews, hmm..


The Crusades are such a wonderful/terrible example of history that would be hilarious(ly bad) if the events weren't actually straight up tragic.


Due to the magnitude of the horrors of the Nazi regime it's easy to forget just how many anti-semitic atrocities were committed against the various Jewish populations of Europe prior to the holocaust. For a few examples, look up Blood Libel on wikipedia, since that was the... 'justification'... of a fair few of them.


At the coronation of Richard of England (Richard the Lionheart), there was a pogrom against English Jews, which Richard had to intercede in to stop it. Accounts of it in Latin use the word "holocaustum" to describe it. Anti-Semitism has a long history, and no one nation is innocent.