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Well, this has been an absolutely amazing week for all of us here at Extra Credits. First the Youtube channel hit 500,000 subscribers, and now the Patreon passes the $12,000 milestone! That's... that's simply amazing.

What better way, we figure, to celebrate this new milestone (which allows us to pay our wonderful musicians) than to share the theme music they composed for the upcoming First Crusades series? Click the attachment on this post to have a listen - we think it's great! We're also gonna see if we can snag them for the Q&A event, which our $10+ patrons will be able to attend this weekend.

*Edit: Link to the music attachment, since it's hard to find: http://bit.ly/1MRnK09

If you're new to the Extra History Patreon, welcome! Keep an eye on your email for messages from Patreon, which you'll receive every time we post one of your rewards. We can see that many of you joined at the $5 "Vote on a Topic" level, and just wanted to let you know that the next vote will be coming up in the first week of August! We can't wait to see what you'll pick. :)



Congrats James, Dan, and the art team. You've earned every penny. I'm hoping you think of more milestones that can help improve the show even further. Even if it's just giving everyone a raise for their hard work!


The theme sounds good, but it's a very "cinematic" approach. I guess I'm spoiled from the Justinian set that had more period style music :/


Dat music. 8D


Great job guys! Super excited to see what you guys do with the music!


Thanks so much! We will continue to do our best, I'm so excited for you guys to hear the stuff we've done for Admiral Yi and the Broad Street Pump!


Haha I feel you Eran. The reason we went with this sound was that we felt we'd already done an ecclesiastical piece for Justinian and Theodora, and though the music in Rome was certainly different, we didn't think it was different enough to really set the mood of the Crusades apart from Justinian and Theodora. We wanted something that sounded epic, and I think "cinematic" is the correct characterization of the direction we ended up going with. We used chanting vocals again, but this time it took a back seat to the orchestra and war-like drums. And don't worry, the next few pieces are very period-accurate. ;)


Congrats to EC and the musicians (Sean and the others)! Very exciting piece for the Crusades, which I look forward to seeing.


Giving the team raises whenever we can is definitely a priority, but it's not something I want to tie to a milestone. When we're in a position that we can give people raises (or even bonuses), we'd rather just do it instead of waiting to hit a milestone on Patreon!


Congratulations guys, this is a great accomplished. Also I have to ask: Was James in San Bruno earlier today? I could have sworn I saw him or his doppelganger at lunch today. Sorry if this is an odd question, just kicking myself for not stopping and asking at the time.


Oh, man. I'm about to break your heart a little: yes, he was in San Bruno yesterday. He's already gone, though!