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Hello Extra History Patreon backers!

This is Luke Peterschmidt from Fun to 11 (and the writer of the Extra Politics series). We are launching The Partisans: an Extra Politics Board Game based on the Extra Credits series that just wrapped up. As a thank you for supporting EC through this Patreon, we are including you in Fun to 11’s loyalty/freebie program.

This means that if you back the Extra Politics board game on Kickstarter, you will receive these 8 cards in addition to the game. These cards are only available for free to members of the loyalty program - which includes Patrons and past backers of Fun to 11’s games.

We'll collect your information when we send out the Kickstarter surveys later, so you don't need to do anything to get these cards other than back the game! 

The campaign launches Tuesday August 21st at 9 AM PST. If you want to check out the campaign early, here is the preview link. Check it out! If you like what you see, be sure to come back on Tuesday and be one of the first to back the first game based on an Extra Credits series!

Thanks so much!

--Luke Peterschmidt




Consider it done! Thanks, Luke, that's really cool of you!

Bill Lemmond

Backed, and mentioned o Twitter and Facebook, because you aren't just "thoughtful, positive, and educational, what keeps me coming back is that [you] are always, always fun!"