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Link:  https://www.crowdcast.io/e/wupdmwko 

We're about to go live with the Extra History Q&A! Come join us if you can, or leave a question at the link above if you cannot. An archive will be recorded after the event, available for viewing at the link above!

Note that James is not attending this Q&A session (due to being in an airplane at the same time), so hold on to your James-specific questions for next time :) 

(Or, ask them in the Twitch shows he'll be doing this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!)


Extra History Q&A: February 25 at 5pm PST - Crowdcast

Register now for Extra Credits's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Sunday February 25, 2018 at 5:00 pm PST.



The link is taking me to a replay of the Jan one.


One of the unanswered questions I was hoping you'd note -- crazy as it seems, the nuclear arsenals of the US and the USSR were smaller in 1962 than they would be in later years; in terms of destroying human civilization and who it leaves behind, how would a nuclear war in 1962 have compared to today or say 1983 (Stanislaw Petrov)?