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The first South Sea Bubble episode will air on February 28, but it's never too early to start introducing some of the characters! Meet John Blunt, whose financial chicanery started the whole thing. Also, an update! We've narrowed the field in our search for a second artist, and we hope to be able to introduce you to someone soon. If all works out (and I hope I'm not jinxing myself with this), we will have our production schedule transitioned over to a weekly schedule after this series, as promised!



Rémi LUong

I would venture to guess that the art style will remain the same?


It may actually change a bit! We're experimenting with that, having each artist bring their own unique style to the series. If we do that, we'd probably have each artist do a full series on their own (rather than trading off each week, as the EC artists do) so the style is consistent within a given topic. It makes production more complicated, though, so we'll see if we can pull that off.


Nice to hear! Will there be another spreecast before then?


There will! I'm about to put a poll up regarding the timing for that. Also, I just remembered that I'm going to have to figure out that Youtube streaming thing this time... hoo boy.


So the South Sea Bubble series will be every other week? How many episodes?


Correct, South Sea Bubble will be every other week! There will be a total of five episodes*: four animated episodes and one episode of Lies.


Have watched extra credits since the very beginning and have been along for the roller coaster to get to this point. I'm more than happy to help support the channel with patreon. It's a small amount but its the least I can do for the amount of content you have provided


We appreciate it, both your support of the Patreon and the fact that you've been watching the show for so long! Happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy your patron goodies. :)

Joseph Frank Perez

It's the mysterious masked bandit, The Scarlet Pimpernel!