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Update: We got one! Thanks to David Malcolm for the suggestion below.

Patrons, our need is nearest! Due to a personal emergency (don't worry, everyone's okay! Schedules just needed to move around), we have to film the Khosrau Lies segment really early. Like, today. Like, in the next 12 hours. And we don't have a Walpole Connection yet!

So we turn to you, oh wonderful patrons: can you come up with a good Walpole connection to the Khosrau series by 2pm PST on January 14? We can only choose one, but if it's yours, we'll credit you* during Lies!

*Feel free to include a pronunciation guide for your name: we'll do our best! If you'd like to use a name other than your Patreon account name, mention that in your post. Thanks for your help!



Apart from the Fact that the Byzantines are going to really, really, REALLY want to get their Own Back on the Sassanids for Trolling them in the last Episode I cannot think of a Connection.


Best I can find on short notice is from this excerpt - <a href="https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=HZevsMc6VUIC&amp;pg=PA33" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=HZevsMc6VUIC&amp;pg=PA33</a> - which basically condenses to "A fable used as propaganda against Walpole has a narrative similar to a story contained within the Panchtantra (aka Kalilah and Dimnah), which was first translated during the reign of Khosrau".


Best I could cobble together under short notice is that the first English translation of the Shahnameh was undertaken by James Atkinson, who developed his intrest in Persian literature while working for the Honorable East India Company in India. When the south seas bubble burst, some of the South Sea Company's assets (such as they were) were reallocated to the Honorable East India Company by... Walpole.


BTW This is mostly from a few skimmed Wikipedia articles read on a bus with limited internet so PLEASE double check this if you use it.


I might have something, though it might be a bit of a stretch Serendip is the name is an old Persian name for Sri Lanka. There is a story called The Three Princes of Serendip (translated from Persian to Italian to French to English) which is based on the life of Bahram V, King of Persia who is mentioned in the great work Khosrau I commissioned: The Shahnameh. Parts of the fairy tale are thought o come from the work itself, in fact. The story was told to a young man who later said to a friend in a letter that the princes "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of" Thus he was inspired to come up with the word 'serendipity' meaning 'happy coincidence' That man's name was Horace Walpole, the son of Robert Walpole and even today we use the word serendipity Hope that helps!


From the December Q&amp;A: Iran-The Persian Campaign(ww1)-Percy Sykes(BG)-Thomas Hardcastle Skyes(uncle) was High Sheriff of Chesire in 1899- High Sheriff in 1723 was Sir Thomas Aston BT of Aston - 4th Aston Baronet sat for Liverpool - which was sat by Sir Thomas Johnson who was a Whig in 1722 during Walpole's Prime Ministership Walpole in 6


Also this is from a Wiki Dive. Grains of Salt required.


The closest I can find is that Frederick Wapole (cousin and husband of Laura Walpole, Robert Walpole's daughter), spent several years traveling around Syria, visited the capital of Khosrau and brought back antiquities, but I can't find if any of the antiquities are salacious or outrageous or otherwise amusing. <a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=Ij0BAwAAQBAJ&amp;pg=PA416&amp;dq=Frederick+Wapole++Khusrau&amp;hl=en&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwi8yunii9jYAhVL_mMKHbvCAv8Q6AEILTAA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://books.google.com/books?id=Ij0BAwAAQBAJ&amp;pg=PA416&amp;dq=Frederick+Wapole++Khusrau&amp;hl=en&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwi8yunii9jYAhVL_mMKHbvCAv8Q6AEILTAA</a>#v=onepage&amp;q=Wapole&amp;f=false

Ryan Wojciechowski

Since the next topic is Genghis khan I figured I'd look ahead and luckily it looks like this is an (easier) one. It turns out the emperors of India (Timurid Dynasty) at the time of Walpole's rise to power and beyond are direct descendants of Genghis Khan's in laws. Muhammad Shah would have been the ruler the East India Company would have engaged with while Walpole acted as Prime Minister.