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After a decade of political turmoil, Khosrau's father asks for help from his ally, the Emperor of Eastern Rome. Help... is not forthcoming.


Khosrau Anushirawan: Prince of Persia - Extra History - #2

Kavadh asked his allies in Eastern Rome for help getting Iran back on its feet. The Romans' replies were not only unhelpful - they were insulting. By the time Khosrau inherited the throne, resentment and war had turned the delicate alliance with Rome into an open rivalry. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



well I haven't started studying yet, what's another few minutes?


Glad to see my country Iberia (Now Georgia) mentioned somewhere :) Regardless of him being a dick from this side of story, still rooting for Justinian <3




The Byzantines, Generally, are NOT the best People to go to for favours. Is this going to be the last Upload of 2017 from you Guys?


I really enjoyed writing Justinian from this perspective! I still love him too, even though from Khosrau's perspective he was absolutely being a jerk. From his perspective, there are times when Khosrau is being a jerk too! It's interesting and a little sad that these two amazing leaders could not find grounds for understanding between themselves, especially when they came so close to being brothers, at least in name.


Khosrau seems to be the Persian Tywin Lannister. How he dealt with his elder brother and his Mazdakite supporters was clearly very brutal way to eliminate that threat.


"I can't talk to strangers." "You can adopt my fist to your face." I'm detecting a bit of snark this time around. :) I like it.


As a miniature war gamer I love the picture at 2:34. Kudos to you


'Hey give that back I'm not kidding!' hilarious! Great writing guys.


Kudos to Khosrau for being creative and planting commie trees to compensate for the lack of helicopters.


Nope, we've got one more Khosrau episode coming out next week, and then we disappear in a puff of smoke! Also, we maaaay have a bonus episode or two planned for the holidays... ;)


It's one of the reasons I find him so interesting: he got so brutal sometimes, but he was also so open to and encouraging of different perspectives within his empire. I see him as a man who tried to balance what he saw as necessary vs the ideals he wanted to see.


Dan's ability to deliver on those lines when I write them is a source of neverending glee for me. ;)


Yowza. I get that you hate communism but those are human lives, in the end. I can't join you celebrating what Khosrau did there.


Yay for Inter-linking stories!


Oh! Oh! These are the guys that eventually lost to Belisarius at Dara huh? But wait! Way back when you said these guys were Persians. But now you’re calling them Iranians and the Sassanian Empire. Is this just a source material interpretation?


I am curious why didn't this act strengthen Mazdak and his followers as he would be seen as Martyr, wouldn't that make him more popular and thus strengthen his followers? Of course now I am curious how Iran would turn out if Mazdak and his followers won out over traditional Zoroastrianism?


Cut off the head, and the body will die. Cult of personality has a weak point: the personality itself. Once it's eliminated, the rest simply decays.


Something of a stylistic choice - during that series, James went with "Byzantines" and "Persians" for what I'm calling "Romans" and "Iranians." Both names describe the same people, but I chose to go with the names those people would have used for themselves at the time because I think they're both still recognizable today. Also, they lost to Belisarius at Dara in this episode, right at 6:51!


It would seem Justinian was just a little too smart for his own good; maybe if he hadn't tried to sow chaos in Iran by refusing to recognize Khosrau, the Sassanids wouldn't have been as happy to return the favor of screwing him over during his Italian adventure, which might have lead to a different outcome to the Gothic War? Or if he hadn't wishy-washy'd it and just thrown his support behind Khosrau's rival maybe there would have been a different result (though given how easily Khosrau crushed him, it might have just made things worse). Or maybe the Gothic War was just doomed from the start and Khosrau's interference didn't really make a difference in the end.


This whole thing reminds me of another, though smaller scale, case of two countries ruining each other by continuing to bash their heads together for relatively little gain for centuries. What I'm saying is... Rome and Iran are basically just renaissance Denmark and Sweden on an even larger scale. Because Rome and Iran wasted so much time and effort fighting each other for something on the scale of 700 years, without really gaining much from each other.


Again, Christina, is there anything you don't Know about History? You're a genius.

Brian Kim

I wonder this is the inspiration for the Heroic Legend of Arislan.


well that is kind of a long story...(sorry if i come off like a know-it-all) but basically the HLoA was originally an epic poem composed in the 19th century CE at the Qajar court. It was also based on even older legends that take place in the Sasanid era. Then it became a play, then a movie, then a Japanese fantasy novel, then a manga, and eventually an OVA anime in the 80's. Then it got a new manga adaptation a few years ago then the 2015 anime came out.


I'm Danish and have a master's degree in history, I should probably know that Denmark and Sweden fought each other a lot. It'd have been a complete failure at my education otherwise.


I do think it presents an interesting moment in alt-history, regardless of the conclusion! What ih Khosrau's adoption had gone through and the two of them had become (at least symbolically) brothers? Would it have changed the way they approached each other? Would it have kept their heirs from fighting? Etc.

Bill Lemmond

I also has a sad about this, so many sads, really. I want to see the alternate reality viewer, tuned to the world where everyone gets along, and they already have interstellar space travel. Oh, right, that's Star Trek, when they aren't fighting someone else.


It's not really my own work. I've mostly worked with late Qing and republican China, as well as how to use pop culture as historical sources for more modern history. The parallel is just to things that were unavoidable while getting my degree because a solid grounding in Danish history was expected.