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Some of you will have received an update (and the rest of you will soon!) from Patreon telling you that they are changing the way pledges work, in a way that will ultimately make your pledges cost more. I wanted to take a moment to chat with you all about that change, and then to discuss the Extra Mythology milestone at the end since we're talking about pledges already!

Patreon Info Link: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005631963#patron

First up: Patreon will ask you to pay more per month starting on December 18. The additional charge has not happened yet! After December 18, you will be asked to pay a service fee of 2.9% + $0.35 USD for every pledge. This applies not just to us, but to every Creator you support on Patreon. If you currently pledge $1.00 USD to us, your new pledge will be $1.38 USD.

Patreon lays out their reasoning for this in the Patreon Info Link above, but to summarize: service fees go to Patreon to keep their service running. They've always been part of Patreon, but previously they took the service fee out of each Creator's account. After December 18, they will be asking Patrons to pay that service fee instead. To phrase that more simply: Extra Credits is currently paying the fee, but after December 18, you will be paying the fee.

If you don't like that change, you are welcome to share your opinions in the comment section! My goal here today is not to tell anyone what they should think (although of course I have my own opinions!). My goal here today is to make sure that you're all informed about this change and have the ability to make whatever decision is best for you.

We have always said at Extra Credits that we want our patrons to pledge only what is comfortable for them. We stand by that. If this change pushes your pledge up to a level that you can no longer afford, we encourage you to lower or drop the pledge, whatever makes most sense to you. Again, you have until December 18 to make changes before this new policy goes into effect! (Although many of you will not actually be charged until January 1, I'd rather you took care of yourselves early.) If you've already paid for December, changing or deleting your pledge should not affect your Patreon rewards for this month - it will only affect them starting in January. If however you do have any trouble, please email me at soraya@extra-credits.net or leave comments here on this post, which is public so anyone can write here regardless of their pledge status.

Again, you can find more details (and hopefully more answers to your questions) here on Patreon's Info Link: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005631963#patron


Some of you have noticed that our pledge amount dropped below $16k/mo after we achieved the Extra Mythology milestone. To be honest, we expected that: many people lower or drop pledges around this time of year so they can save up for the holidays, and the pledge that pushed us over the milestone was a one-time boost from a generous patron.

But we don't want to leave you in doubt! We WILL do Extra Mythology. Once the milestone is crossed, even for a moment, we consider it achieved. It's still going to be a while before we can create it (I didn't expect the boost, so I didn't organize a production slot in advance the way I usually do). If you can wait, though, it'll happen, and we'll have a 100% confirmation of the topic for you very very soon!

Thanks for putting up with my long post! Hope this help clears a few things up for everyone. And we'll see you this Saturday for the premier of Khosrau Anushirawan!


Updated: When I first wrote this post, I said that service fees covered the cost of business transactions online. I've since learned that this service fee is actually Patreon's direct cut, which they use to pay their staff and run the service in general. I've corrected this post to reflect that.



If this means you get more money out of my pledge, I think that's a good change! I understand some people will have to reduce or drop their pledge because of this, which is sad


It does mean that, yes! If you pledge $1, you will pay more than that because of the service fee, but we (and other creators) will actually get that $1.

Hank Kleinberg

Personally I'd much rather pay a flat fee than an awkward interval. e.g. if I paid $1 a month and the pledge went up to $1.38 for the reward content, I'd rather pay $2 a month and maybe get a slightly higher incentive. Now, I'm a $2 patron, so by my logic I'd be bumping up to $3 a month, which I'm okay with; I'd just prefer a slightly nicer bonus than what we were getting at the $2 range. Not expecting $20/month levels of bonuses, but maybe get videos an extra day earlier? Dunno, just spitballing; I'm totally cool with giving you guys a little more money every month to keep the lights on, I'd just like to get a little more oomph in return, even if it's something arbitrary that's not a headache for you guys.


I don't know how much Patreon skims on top of the pledges, but me thinks that patreon should eat the charges for CC fees ... But that's just me! I actually prefer if my freely given money go directly to those that I give it to.


On the mythology piece: Well, Crash Course have a mythology piece running, so I, at least, can wait until you got the things going so you can make it up to your usual standard (no skimping! That ain't okay!) :D


In the same way there's no government money - only taxpayer money, there's no Extra Credits money - only our donations. Before the change, Patreon charged creators all the fees and, I assume, these fees were quietly passed down to patrons; after the change, part of the fees will be charged directly to patrons. If the pledge amount remains the same, it will be a perfect example of double taxation. The correct thing to do here would be to either lower the pledge amount by the same amount Patreon is going to charge us, or to acknowledge it for what it is: a pledge increase.


I wish we could! I look back over our rewards a lot and have revised them several times, but I'm finding that I'm pretty much at my capacity for doling them out right now. (With one possible exception I've been weighing for a while, but don't want to promise just yet since I've had trouble keeping up with everything just lately!) As for early access videos, we do sometimes have them finished more than a day in advance, but definitely not always, and I personally feel better about having a more reliable schedule so I still share those on Fridays. We can blame that on my particular social ticks. :\


Patreon did not previously charge their service fees directly to patrons. If you pledged $1, you paid $1. However, they did charge the service fee to creators, so if you pledged $1, we got like $0.80-0.90. It varied. After this change, that will be flipped: if you pledge $1, you pay $1.38, but we get $1. There is no double taxation, there is just single taxation (though a service fee is a different category from taxation, I can see the comparison you're making here) on your side instead of ours. As for calling it a pledge increase, that's what I have done! I hope I was very clear about that; I made sure to bold the statement that Patreon will be asking you for more money per month and I repeated the idea that this will cost patrons more several times. I am trying to explain how it works (and why it was made), but hopefully I have managed to do so while also keeping clear the fact that this is, indeed, a pledge increase.

Ryan Wojciechowski

I can't say I like a price hike but I understand Patreon's reasoning for this, business is tricky and those fees maybe tiny but with millions of users they add up very quickly. Now I'm at the $8 mark for my pledge so if my math is right I, and everyone with me, should go from $8 to ~$8.60 which is pretty harmless if you ask me. And hey if it means Extra Credits gets a bit more money to keep up their series and the teams then why not? As for mythology I am so pumped because I want the marvel of Extra History to spill over here so you guys pick the gods of the Inca and the Hindi pantheons. I love Greek mythology to death but it's also been talked about to death and picking the lesser known deities makes the series that much more interesting because it's genuine learning instead of just a new take on the same stories!


Oh no, Ryan, I hate to disappoint you but we are definitely doing Greek mythology for this four-episode set! I'll let James tell you the subject when he's ready, but we did want to start somewhere very familiar. And by the by, I haven't forgotten about the research suggestion you and Ken Kostyo were talking about in the other thread. I haven't had a chance to give it a thorough look yet and I don't want to cut corners or anything, so I will circle back to that as soon as I can!


I understand what Patreon's trying to do here, but I'm angry about it for two reasons: 1. It makes it far more onerous for someone to commit $1, as they now need to commit considerably more. $1 and $2 pledges (I am told) make up the bulk of most creators' support, and this change will cause them to drop dramatically. This is going to result in less money overall for most creators. 2. I realise that service fees exist. But previously, or so I understand, it was variable because the transaction fees for a single patron was split between all creators they support - since Patreon only charges my card once, a per-transaction fee is only invoked once. So why should I then have to pay a flat charge for every pledge I make? It disincentivises me from supporting many creators in a small way instead of one creator in a large way. Being able to easily put in $1 here or there for people whose content I like was my favourite thing about Patreon, but now that will end up costing me a lot of money to do.


I've had to deal with CC processing for many of my adult years. It's honestly surprising that this change hadn't come sooner. Honestly, I get far more value already for what I pledge. and if this change means a few more cents each month out of my pocket and into yours, I'm 100% for it.


This fee change as structured really discourages the supporting of multiple creators. Honestly, Patreon charges me once a month for all my Patreon supported creators, but it's charging me a fee for every creator I support? Very disappointed right now that I had to cut support to over half my creators.

Paul Lenoue

Not a problem for me, and you guys are definitely worth it.


I don't mind paying extra 15% so you get a full dollar. However the $0.35 per transaction charge is simply too deep a cut for small time donor like myself. Is there an option for me to pay you $12 a year to minimize the transaction fee. Can you keep a list of donor who had donated during that year and keep the same perk as existing monthly small amount donors?


*rub temples* Well this is boneheaded on their part. Yeah, they're gonna notify everyone, but they're still gonna have half their patrons crap themselves when it happens. More than half the patrons won't read it. Beyond that, if they're not explicit about it in the pledge page, they're gonna get pissy people later too. Watch this blow up on them :P


Does this mean that if I support a hundred creators $1, Patreon will charge me $37.90 in fees (($0.35+2.9%)/pledge x 100 pledges), but if I give $100 to a single creator, Patreon will charge me $3.25?


To be clear, this service fee is not the credit card transaction fee (at least, not directly) - it's paying Patreon a cut of the pledge, which does already happen on every pledge already. That said I completely understand and share your concern about the impact this will have on $1-2 pledges. I'm hoping it evens out financially in that fewer $1 pledges but all of them actually worth $1 to the creators will at least break even, but not gonna lie, having 80 pledges doesn't look or feel nearly as good as having 100 pledges even if they have the same value in the end.


Aww, thank you! We certainly do appreciate you sticking with us. As long as you can afford it and feel comfortable with it, we're good!


I'm ok with this, but I currently pledge to 28 creators, that's a lot of extra cost. I may have to change how much I pledge to some people. I'll see how much extra next month comes down to and make a judgement call based on that (too lazy to do the math).


Well, that sucks. But unfortunately it has pushed me over the "irresponsible spending" edge. Giving little to lots of deserving people just stopped working. I love what you are doing, but I'll have to go. Sorry.


I'm so sorry to hear that Quintin, but I do agree that's one of the biggest immediate impacts of the change, given that the fee IS assessed per pledge (not per account). Even while I can see why Patreon has made it that way, it definitely sucks that it impacts patrons like yourself in that manner, and even if we were among the pledges you had to reduce I am glad that at least you got it done before the charge took you by surprise.


Unfortunately there's no way for me to do that through the system, and without it being part of the system there's no real way for me to distribute Patreon posts (for example, even if I emailed to say "the $5+ reward is ready!" you wouldn't be able to access the post without an active $5 Patreon pledge). Not to mention that uh, I try to be as organized as I can be, but it's not my strong suit and it wouldn't take me long to screw up a lot of people's pledges through human error. If you wanted to do something like pledge for 10 months, cancel for two, that doesn't solve your problem perfectly but maybe it's a little better approach for you!


It may very well. They haven't handled the Day 1 announcement as well as they could have, which I imagine is causing them some headaches in HQ as we speak. I'll be curious to see if they learn from it and change anything going forward.


It absolutely does. Even if this has a small impact per single pledge (and even that, of course, is debatable), it's really in the aggregate of multiple pledges where it has the biggest effect.


Ha, fair enough; make sure that whatever your Patreon allotment per month is, that you have some extra set aside to cover the increase for next month at least. Good luck to you (and your many pledges!)


I understand, Stefan, please don't worry about it! The reason I made this post was specifically to make sure folks like yourself DON'T get pushed over that irresponsible spending edge. Thank you for your support, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the free EH that comes out every Saturday. :)

Tim Albers

Thanks for the heads up. I did the maths and I am currently at $40 per month... after the changes it will be $48. Sadly my resources are limited so 7 - 8 pledges on various creators will have to go. Great work Patreon, great work *slow clap*


Thank you for the heads up, I'm having to trim my number of pledges. It's not that I spend too much on Patreon, but globally there are too many things pulling from my bank account and I want to respect my self-imposed Patreon limit. You stay as-is, though. I hope Patreon thinks of something to counter this move's effect of discouraging pledging to many creators, because I can't see how this is good for anyone.


As someone that prefers to give $1 to a bunch of people rather than a high amount to just a few people this change is annoying. I'm totally fine with Patreon taking a percentage cut and I don't really care which side is paying the fees, but the flat fee per pledge seems unjustified. According to them it's to recoup payment processing fees, but they only make one charge anyway. I'd much rather have a single flat fee whenever I'm being charged and then a percentage from each pledge. As it stands, the new method just discourages small pledges (which are as I understand the bread and butter for creators) for no reason.


This sounds like a disaster for patrons who go for the option of multiple small payments per month. I've consolidated a bunch of my small patronages into a few big patronages as a result.


This change would be more comfortable with a very visible summary of all pledges and their associated fees. Getting a flee impulse, but to afford the change I'll switch from coffee shops to carrying a thermos, with one day-of-week exception.

Jason Youngberg

Thanks for letting us know. Seems like all those who I patreon are sending out similar messages. I'm not changing my pledge. I already cleared out a few creators I lost interest in supporting. You're worth the extra 50 cents.


Can reward tiers be set only in flat dollars? or dollars and cents?


In defense of Patreon, you were already paying the fee. Instead of pledging $5, you were actually pledging $4.40 and paying a $0.60 fee (or w/e it came out to). The problem was that because the number of patrons for each creator fluctuated, the effect of those fees also fluctuated. A creator with pledges of $100/mo couldn't reliably count on $80 or $85 or $75 from month-to-month. That makes planning difficult. Moving the fee to the patron makes it reliable for both parties. Patrons will always pay the same service fee based on the number and amount of their pledges, and creators will always lose exactly 5% of their pledges. I'm happy to make life easier forever for the creators I support, and anyone who goes over their spending limit needs to adjust their pledges just this one time.


How about setup an account with Kickstarter's Drip?


Thanks for the heads-up, but if I could afford to spend 140% of what I spend now on pledges, I would already be doing it. As it is, congrats to Patreon for being Grand Masters of shooting themselves in the foot; they already managed to piss off lots of fine folks with their recent draconian content policy changes, but now I effectively have to cancel and downsize pledges until I get back to the original level - I'm sure we're all better off for it, way to go geniuses. Incidentally, since I have to try protecting the less well-off at the expense of the others, I'm afraid this is where we must part ways. I'll still be watching though, but I'll miss you guys... keep on keeping on, good luck, and thanks for all the fish...!


Oh man this sucks. I'll still be a patron but I think i might have to lower my tier unfortunately. Might go back again if the money situation gets better in the future :/ Question about the Extra Mythology tho, if it becomes a series will we also be able to suggest further topics? One of the reason I adore Extra History is because you are one of the few creators that dig into the cool unknown but extremely important stuff in history that not many people know of, rather than just sticking to like Rome or something, so I was wondering if you'll explore some of the more different and exciting mythologies like the old-Slavic myths or Dreamtime.

Ryan Wojciechowski

They're gonna be starting with Greek mythology but that's normal. This all began with the Punic wars, and how many times have you heard about Hannibal? We'll prepare our obscure topics for the suggestion boxes and knock it out of the park!


I completely understand, and I hope so too! I do have a lot of faith in their good intentions as a company so I really hope they're taking this intial feedback wave into consideration, but until or unless they announce a change, I'm personally proceeding under the assumption that this plan is going to move forward as it's currently been announced and I can onyl do my best to keep people informed about the way it will impact them! Thanks for continuing to support us. <3 I would totally understand if you had to leave, but you've been with us for so long that it'd be sad to see you go!


I'm hopeful they'll change their formula until then I too will have to cut back on my pledges. Such a shame.


Sorry. the $0.35 portion of the formula makes monthly giving very inefficient. I'll just give 12x every January and cancel until next year. (Canceling in December and doing this in January to make sure Patreon doesn't get the wrong ideas when they look at their metrics.)


Honestly, I agree. I like Patreon's service and I want them to get money so they can keep their company running; I said this elsewhere, but as far as percentage-cuts go they take significantly less than literally everyone else we work with. But the flat fee per pledge absolutely hits hard for multi-pledge patrons like yourself, and I KNOW how important that kind of pledge distribution is not only for creators, but for patrons who want to show all their favorite artists that they care.


That very much is the end result of it, i.e. pushing towards consolidated pledges to avoid the flat fee per pledge. It's not the happiest of worlds but I'm glad you found a way to do it that works for you!


Yeah, I was thinking yesterday it'd be nice if they'd created a pledge calculator where you could easily put in how many pledges you had (and the amount) to see how much the increase would be for you. I figure that might scare away some people or make them lower pledges when they see what the difference would actually be but then... good? I mean, I'd certainly rather see people leaving because they KNOW they can't afford this change than have everyone stressing over what the impact would be. And while the numbers can be calculated mathematically if you want to, it does make it so much easier to just be able to have a look.


They can be set in dollars and cents, but I won't be changing our reward tiers to account for the change on the patron-side, I'll be straight up with you about that. In my opinion, that would only give us the worst of both worlds: people already leaving Patreon to protest the extra fees AND we get less from those who stay because we've lowered our pledge values. Not to mention that if these fees ever get changed again, I would have to change the pledge amounts again and just... I'm sorry, I know that appeals to some people as a solution, but not for me. If you're not cool with that, I understand and won't hold it against you!


I'm aware of Drip and I'm looking into it as a service because I think it's important for me to stay aware of what options are out there, but I have to say that right now I'm not looking to leave Patreon at all. I'm not entirely happy with how they've introduced this change but I do believe long-term in their commitment to make things right, and as long as that's the case I consider them a partner worth having. Like all partners, they can just be frustrating sometimes. ;)


I suggest February instead of January! We'll be on holdiay break for part of January, and I figure if you're going to approach it this way (which I totally support), you may as well get the most bang for your buck by getting a whole month of early access episodes instead of just a few weeks. :)


I don't see how this is good for anyone. They could easily have given an option to pay per year in order to reduce those fees for creators and/or supporters. I'm sorry to say I can't continue to give money through Patreon as I do not want to support such a bad business decision. If you do have ANY other option through which I can support you guys, feel free to share it and I'll happily try it.


Per year as an enshrined option wouldn't solve it, I don't think; our artists need food every month, not once a year, ya know? And having that monthly reliable income has meant a lot to us with all the stuff we've planned/launched in anticipation of 2018. But I totally understand you needing to change your pledge and I do support that. We don't currently have any other ways to support us directly, though I have been talking to folks who are switching to YouTube Red or buy some new merch from our DFTBA shop; those do both help!


I sent Patreon a note calling BS on this for exactly the same reasons - this is obviously a money-grab on their part and has nothing to do with getting more money to creators. If you put together a petition (individually or in conjunction with other creators), I will happily sign it. If there's another option for funding you more efficiently, I'd be open to that as well.

Fried (Fridge)

I doubt people would have had an issue with the service fee alone, but the additional 0.35 USD every pledge will hurt those using patreon, if the service fee is what you guys had to pay before, then that additional is Patreon trying to make extra money and attempting to wave it away as "just changing how we charge things" but it's going to backfire and hurt creators as people will cut those 1 USD pledges. People don't mind giving $1 and can then spread that around to as many content creators they like to support them, but this change actively punishes that. Content creators switched to Patreon because youtube made life hard for them with the adpocolypse, and now Patreon has got greedy wants more money and has made bad business decisions, end result, it's going to hurt content creators. I already have to pay VAT on top of my pledges, to pay a service fee on top of that, and then a fixed charge for every project I back, $1 donations now look like $2 donations (well to be exact, it's going to be over $1.5, as the flat charge and service fee makes it $1.38 add 20% VAT and it's $1.58, then exchange rates and stuff... yeah, it mounts up) and I don't even want to think about the higher pledges. So now I can't back as many people as I want, I am left unsure if I can afford higher pledge tiers for when all the extra fees and things are added in. For now the only thing we can do is protest this change, withdraw all our pledges and hope Patreon realise that it's going to hurt their bottom line I think you guys at EC also know that this is going to hurt you, because how many of your backers are at the $1 level? How many of those back multiple projects? This change will wipe those people out as they either decide to focus on just one project, or withdraw their support from Patreon all together. So on the surface this looks 'great' for you as you get to keep the full donation of a $1 donation, but it's bad for you when those donations become far less.


I've got conflicting feelings about this change, but one of the topics from an old EC clip seems relevant here: isn't this the same whale targeting in F2P games? The new fee structure from the patron's perspective hurts if you're a $1 patron, but patreon profits more from heavy patrons, those with >$1 pledges, and lots of pledges with the new per-pledge fee. I'd guess if this goes through, patreon would see the same community issues that come with contracting the audience base, and as a long term play would hurt them.


Right now this is the only way, but thank you for your support so far and I hope you'll continue to enjoy the show free on YouTube every Saturday!

Fried (Fridge)

You mean this video? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U</a> I agree, while Patreon might make most of its money from whales, the content creators, especially the small ones, are being propped up by the small donations, without them those incomes drop to where it no longer seems viable, they will then either seek alternative methods to be funded or have to scale back their content. That then means less content and less content creators for the whales to be backing, which may see them drop away. This is just a bad move, I don't know how they thought it would be anything else, they said they tested and experimented with the idea for a year, but it seems they forgot to do one vital thing, consult with the content creators and with those who actually back the projects in the first place as many creators are saying this will hurt them. They are getting such bad publicity over it that you can't help but wonder what Patreon are going to do, and I also hope that if people are pulling pledges that they look at the data and see that happening and see how it will hurt their bottom line. EC are trying to put a positive spin on this and focus on the 'good' as they have no control over the change, but I think they themselves know this will hurt them, looking at the comments, even looking at the figures per month, it has already started, they hit the target for extra mythology but now they are over $500 below that target. I also would say it will only get worse when those who don't check their messages see that the amount of money going out of their bank accounts has increased and then scramble to delete their pledges. Creators may be getting more of a share from the pledges, but they aren't getting more money if those pledges are in decline. So how is this a good thing? Everyone needs to protest this change, it hurts everyone.


I am cancelling all my $1.00 pledges. It's just not worth it. Extra credits is great if there is a different way to do donate small amounts to you I will.


I am cancelling mine as well for all of my donations period to punish patreon, even my ones over $1. If you move to another donation system or patreon fixes their payment system please let us know and I will start donating again. I am only sorry that this will hurt you but I feel I have to take a stand or Patreon will not change.

Denizen Blue

I will support you guys until the heat death of the universe, no worries there. I may have to drop some of my smaller donations, though, yeah. It's weird because I really do support the idea of giving more to the creators; I'm happy that you guys get a bigger cut! But that should come at Patreon's expense, not the patrons, if you ask me.


Hey Martin, sorry for not responding to you here at the time you put this up. I was trying very hard to keep up with the entire thread but eventually needed to step away for a while to recharge... and while I was doing that, they canceled the planned fee change! Here's the link to their post about it: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649</a> I hope this change means you can support all the Creators you want to! And yes, I was extremely worried about the impact this change would have on $1 patrons and I'm glad that it's being reversed. Next step is making sure that the payment revisions which will eventually roll out are more fair to patrons (and Creators) across the spectrum.


Some good news there: Patreon has canceled the planned fee change. I know this panic sucked anyway and I'm sorry about that, but hope the cancellation helps. Here's the link to Patreon's post about it: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649</a>


For what it's worth, I quite understand, and your action may have helped persuade Patreon to abandon this fee change because YES INDEEDL Patreon has canceled the planned fee change. I know this panic sucked anyway and I'm sorry about that, but hope the cancellation helps. Here's the link to Patreon's post about it: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649</a>


Well, for now, Patreon has actually decided to cancel the planned fee change. They say they're gonna reevaluate and I hope they do a better job solving these problems in their next iteration, but for now, if you wound up dropping your smaller donations elsewhere, you can safely bring them back now! Here's Patreon's post on the subject: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-cancels-15864649</a>