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Enjoy early access to the first episode of our new series on the United States Articles of Confederation!

Note:  We made some minor changes to update this video during the early access period, therefore we have posted a new link! The video currently posted should work; if you left a comment prior to the switch, leave it again for us, please!


The Articles of Confederation - I: Becoming the United States - Extra History

When the thirteen colonies of North America broke away from Great Britain, they struggled to draft their first constitution. After great debate, they created the Articles of Confederation and formed the United States of America. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon (--More below) Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Get the outro music here! http://bit.ly/23isQfx *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



Only Episode One and already First Comment but Second Like. This is going to make a very welcome change from endless Party Political Broadcasts in the run up to our General Election.


Yes! I'm on lunch break so I can watch it while I scarf down spaghetti and try not to think about selling hardware! You guys are the best.


yay! well done EC, another great series to welcome in


Ah. The Headless Chicken approach to government!


Ah, John Dickinson. One of those men who goes from radical to conservative without ever changing his opinion.


I'm liking the sound of "Article 11." Good job Kiner brothers!


"Shots had been fired" OMG! LMAO They're shot glasses, being fired! ROFL


I actually forget that the run up to our independence was over the course of 20 years. Our schools always make it out like everything happened in '74-75.


The countdown really kicks off in 1763. That's when Parliament starts exerting a much heavier hand than they had previously, and fringe ideas like Franklin's gain traction as a result


Hard to believe this was still a better start than what the Fenian Constitution had to put up with about a century later (lol)


Spaghetti and freedom are a great combination. Hope you had a great lunch break!


It seems to happen a lot during this era! And I have to say, Dickinson is one of the people I learned about during this series that I really got to like as a person. So thanks for that. ;)


I had to view that scene several times during art review, and every single time I facepalmed. It's so bad. And so good.

Jack the Rat

I wanted to see Dan in a powdered wig!


Will and Fred during the tea party made me laugh. Thanks.


I'm glad you recognized them! They don't even know yet. But they will tomorrow. >:)


Is Soraya writing this series? Didn't she write Ned Kelly as well? She's doing a great job! Are her and James going to switch off like the artists do?


I am writing this one, and thank you! I will definitely be back to write more series, but after this one I'm going to be taking a wee break and let James do the next few sets. I have a newfound respect for his ability to churn these out at the rate he does; I'm happy with the way these turned out, but it sure took me a looong time to write them! -Soraya


"Gentlemen: John Dickinson"


Rhode Island used to be an independent nation? I never knew that. Even if only briefly, that's pretty cool!


This just feels so USA...


You just know Walpole had a hand in this somewhere.


I really came to like Dickinson after researching him. I would definitely recommend giving him a closer look if you have the time!


Depending on how you look at it, all the thirteen colonies were independent nations! In fact, the argument about whether or not they should be unified under a central government or whether the Confederation existed merely as a matter of wartime convenience is going to be a central tenet of this series. But yes, Rhode Island has a long, long tradition of being especially boisterous when it comes to asserting its independence or its values!


Oh yes! I've already got my Walpole connection for this series, and believe me he was up IN IT. >:)


Hello Extra Credits I am a big fan and I enjoy all your content from which I learn a lot.I was wondering if the next series could be about people who history does not remember as great people.I am talking about Han Asparuh and his war against the Byzantines.Or about Tsar Simeon whom expanded Bulgaria greatly and made it The Biggest Empire On The Balkans.You can also talk about Tsar Kaloyan whom defeated The Latin Empire after The Fourth Crusade or about Han Krum whom defeated The Byzantine Empire and prepared one of biggest sieges in the history of siege or you can talk about the mysterious Thracians.Last but not least Han Kubrat whom united the Bulgar Tribes and made his sons build great empires which 2 of them would last for more than 600 years.I hope you understand that even though The Bulgarians arent as famous as the Romans they still made great achievements.


'allo! Not EC, just a patron with too much time on his hands. What they do next depends on what we as patrons vote on. The current schedule is Articles of Confederation --> Bronze Age Collapse --> Great Northern War --> Otto von Bismark


Thank you for your information.But I wanted to reccomend a subject that is interesting and is not known by many people.


Lil was feeling particularly punny!


Hi Kaloyan! We do take recommendations from folks at the $8 patron level or above, and of course if any of them see your list and want to adopt something from it they're quite welcome to do so.

Bill Lemmond

Thanks for a really neat look at some history that I completely missed, for over 50 years. I only ever heard the usual brief comment on the Articles of Confederation, that they were weak. Thank you for letting us know that Franklin and Dickinson created a much stronger original, that was watered down by others.