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Almost three years ago, we launched Extra History as its own show and talked about World War I. In that first episode, we talked about Otto von Bismarck and unification of the German state, and we mentioned that he deserved an episode to himself.

Now, thanks to the voters on Patreon, he will finally get that episode... and more besides! Bismarck ran away with the votes and will get his own series starting in the fall of 2017.

Current Schedule: Articles of Confederation --> Bronze Age Collapse --> Great Northern War --> Otto von Bismarck


What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?

What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?



Finally a episode on Otto.


YAY! Kitty lookin' forward to it. =)


Who comes up with all these great series names? :D


This one was actually David, waaay back in the very first episode! He wrote it as a joke and we've sort of stuck with it internally ever since. ;)


Wow has it really been that long. Third time's the charm. Even better that he won with the highest approval rating in Extra Credits history at 72%, not even the second highest comes close, the First Opium War at 65%. As well as this is perfect timing as this would air in late September/early October, three years after the WW1 episodes. Great series to mark your third anniversary.


The man who fooled the world by telling the truth, the warlord who became the biggest peace keeper in history, the man who learned from the mistakes of other, the man whose map of Africa was in Europe, the man who mastered the art of the possible, the myth, the legend the Iron Chancellor himself!!! Been hoping for this one for a good long while! So excited!


YAAAAAAAAAYYY!!! For the Second Time, something I Voted for has actually Won! Ok Otto wasn't my First choice but he still won, so who cares? It seems all I normally get out of these polls is angry and frustrated after so many tries, but thank goodness that's been avoided this Time. Really looking Forward to this.


Oooh! Nice stats, Marco! I haven't been keeping track of approval rating for past votes, but Bismarck definitely ran away with this one.


Sean finally won a poll! Oh man...spoiler alert, everyone knows how his career ends!




Articles of confederation murica


Cool Bismarck is worth a series. Can I suggest a future topic. "The 30 years war and the peace of Westphalia "


You can suggest a topic at the $8+ patron level, or if any patrons at that level see your suggestion here, they're welcome to adopt it!


What should we be looking for to see where we can suggest topics? (New to this whole patreon UI deal)


Once a month, I'll put up a post for the $8+ patrons inviting them to send their suggestions through a Google Form. That post hasn't gone up yet for this month, so look for it in another week, maybe two! They tend to be towards the end of the month OR at the end of a series (i.e. last episode of Articles of Confederation).


Oh, and Patreon will email you when that post goes up letting you know your reward is ready. It never hurts to check the page around the times when you're expecting your reward, just to make sure nothing gets lost in your inbox, but in theory you'll get that notification!