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Okay folks, the poll was set to answer the question of....

"What release pace would you prefer for Hall of Alfheim?"

Out of a total of 127 votes the results were,

48 of you wanted the comic to be posted page by page as it was completed.

78 wanted The entire comic posted by complete issues, once they're completed.

Then by Majority vote, the content will be released in bulk.

I want to thank everyone for participating.

 I'll post blogs monthly to keep you guys up to date, display samples of the final product, so on and so forth.  At this moment i'm nearly done sketching issue 1.

Thank you all for your continued support!





Dat Mei presenting the results xD I think both options were nice, but kinda glad the one I voted on won :3


Thanks for that, yeah i was surprised by the results. I was thinking the page by page release rate would be more favorable. Go figure eh? -BELLUM