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Hey folks, here's the main cast for my comic project!

Forgive the lack of posts this month but i've been busy juggling work off site, coloring a comic that myself and onagi have both collaborated on( that we'll be posting here), aaand also...comic sketches! Lots of them...

I'm starting to aim myself slowly to the direction of working on patreon full time, at the very least months at a time.  I've been setting aside personal savings to do so, money =  time.

With that said, nearly done drawing up issue #1 for Hall of Alfheim!

I do have a question for you guys.

Would you want to see the comic released in pages as they're finished, or posted as complete full issues all at once?? The latter would be like an awesome season drop of daredevil on netflicks... lol....love that show.

Anywho, gonna leave a poll below, please vote and i'll decide how to manage the comic.

I'll leave the poll open till June 2nd, ample time for everyone to vote.

(link has removed, poll is closed)





Both options sounds nice :o it is hard to pick one of them