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Metamorphosis, Part 2


Daniel joyce

Not to compare but name another show joey has watched with seeds planted throughout the story and people die. lol.

Carmen Villanueva

geto is daddy and mommy 😏😏 iykyk


Yes! Choso is the breakout character of this season.


About the choso yuji brother thing, they aren’t actual brothers. Choso is a blood manipulator, and his brothers were blood related. When choso and yuji were fighting in the subway, they showed a shot of choso and yuji’s blood mixing together on the floor and as a result, choso’s body saw that as yuji being blood related, since their blood was mixed together. So not actual brothers but choso’s technique forced him to see yuji as a blood brother. Also for geto the body is a shell and the brain is someone else that’s who they were referring to about kamo, the brain that’s controlling geto’s body is the kamo guy

Lijnaito2021 !

I mean it's a good thing Yuki showed up she's the only one that can match up against Geto as she's One of the only four existing special grade sorcerers

Lijnaito2021 !

I mean I don't know if you came from the manga or not, but to me it sounds like they actually are because a side effect of his technique is feeling his brother's deaths coming and in that moment he felt yujis I'm not going to say you're wrong and I'm not going to say you're right because there's still a lot we don't know

Lijnaito2021 !

Also, it could totally make sense if whatever is in geto was in kamo could very well have been inside yujis dad He's been around for 150 years. That's a lot of body switching

Ashley Martin

There’s **that** scene with Mei Mei… apparently Ui Ui is Mei Mei’s younger brother. And some believe that he’s actually underage..


Hey Joey, just to clear a few things up. That "brain thing" is in Getos body so he has Getos CT so he just eats curses, that's what that ball was. You saw the real Geto use Uzumaki against Yuta in the movie. Also as far and Yuji and Choso go, the "brain thing" was involved in birthing Choso, and the connection he has with his brothers that is a byproduct of his CT leads him to believe that the "brain thing" (Geto/ Noritoshi Kamo) is somehow involved with Yuji in the same way. So they are related but I would say in an overly complex way, maybe half brothers would be the best way to put it however separated by many decades. everyone feel free to let me know if I missed anything but I believe this is correct.


One more thing, I know you do not want spoilers but if you need anything clarified just know that most of the questions you ask and are confused about are for the most part either mention/hinted at through season 1 and 2. This anime likes to info dump a lot so its hard to remember everything and keep the story straight :/


Yeeah! spread that misinfo with confidence my dude Newsflash, they are blood related. Maybe next time dont say things you theorize in your mind as facts


hi joey will there be a jjk episode tppday?

Lijnaito2021 !

Returning after picking up the manga I can say with 100% certainty you are wrong they are brothers don't spread misinformation as facts


I don’t need you to tell me. I know I’m wrong, I’m not spoiling shit to Joey seeing as we don’t learn of yuji’s parentage until chapter 143 of the manga and the anime isnt that far yet, so yes. It’s wrong. I know.