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Don't forget, and I'm sure many people forgot, but Mahito is a curse born from humans negative emotions. So in a way it's our fault. He is hands down one of the best anime villains in recent times.

Brandon Guzman

Couple questions you had: 1. You touching Mahito is okay but if he touches you with his palm he idle transfigurations you. 2. When Mahito used his domain expansion he couldnā€™t use IT for a quick second because domain takes up a lot of energy thatā€™s why Todo didnā€™t die when he high fived him 3. Mahito discovered his soul through black flash bc black flash allows you to be at 120% 4. The reason Yuji stumbles in the water and Mahitos attack breaks is bc theyā€™ve been using lots of black flash and thereā€™s kickback so they started to feel the affects 5. Lastly no one is able to use purposefully do black flash, you have to be fighting at 100% and then you get the possibility for a BF. Nanami doing 3 bf in a row just shows how he was able to stay composed the whole time and didnā€™t get affected the by the kickback in that short time. Thatā€™s why it was a huge thing when Yuji hit 5? In a row in S1 Sorry for the novel. Viewers lmk if I got something row

Jamir Blue

The time lag was Yujiā€™s default attack when he first met Todo, his divergent fist. The curse energy impact happens a little after the physical impact. The monologue to Mahito was Yuji speaking and the rabbit - wolf thing was symbolism.

Ashley Twigg

He actually had Idle Transfiguration back when Todo clapped his hand. However, due to the nature of Boogie Woogie the contact was incredibly short (imagine he is "spamming" his technique to go off as soon as contact was made) but this still caused heavy damage to his hand.


The number of things Joey doesn't understand is wild sometimes