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Never drinking Blue Fanta again.



usopp isnt terrible, but not at the better end of the acting cast. a lot of fault lies imo in the ridiculous cartoonish premises and dialogue that were very rough to translate into live action.

FTN Chicken

I feel like Usopp not being a convincing liar when he makes up a story is part of the character, so I'd give him a pass there. I also think he has good chemistry with the other Straw Hats, which becomes more clear over time. Though, I will admit the "Merry's dead" line was closer to high school play than big budget TV show


Thanks for another fun reaction! I had to stop half way through cause you started streaming the other day, so I’m trying to remember the thoughts I had from then. There was some comment that had me laughing about Oprah. And you singing about the goat head cause you felt like Luffy was going to breakout into song. I also really like that the wanted posters come up for the bad guys and that they swipe or slash them away. The dude with knifes/blades reminded me of a cross between Edward Scissorhands and Kabuto (pretty sure that was his name) from Naruto. When I had smaller framed glasses, I used to push them up the middle with my pointer finger, like him and my sis would laugh and call me Kabuto. I’ve switched to using the backs/sides of my pointer and middle finger now, but anyway, I’m rambling about this too bc when the guy pushed up his glasses he did it with the heel of his palm and my first thought was, that’s the first time I’ve seen anyone real and or animated do that, lol. 😅

The Squid

That prediction tho Joey. Need to remember that