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Lijnaito2021 !

Have you scrapped FMAB? You were about to get into peak territory I hope you go back to it

Shawn Vega

im not sure whats up with his reactions tbh i saw the post when he got his wifi back about get ready for content but then he posts 1 video each day then doesnt for 5 days then he does 1 video per day for a few days then doesnt upload for 3 days which is sad i was ready for the content after not getting anything at the beginning of the month but weve gotten 1 episode of haikyuu 1 episode of hxh and 1 episode of cg for the entire month :(


Sealing of Gojo has been the plan since season 1 by "brain guy". I would call him that to not spoil the name since it wasn't mentioned yet in this episode. So S1 Geto (Brain Guy) hiding from anyone from the school (JJK) coz he's supposed to be dead. It's been mentioned multiple times that he can't be seen and for them (curses) to win they must seal Gojo coz no one can kill him. Remember the scene where they all went to a restaurant and Jogo burned everyone alive? That's that. Jogo got hyped about the idea that Gojo can be sealed. Kinda predictable already since Gojo's too OP so he really must be sealed lol. Movie Geto is the real Geto. That's where he died too by Gojo himself. In that last part where Gojo whispered something to Geto and Geto just smiled. Gojo executed him right then and there. So to Gojo and the rest of JJK people, Geto is dead. S2 1st part is obviously still the real Geto. Then 2nd part is, well, Brain Guy. I want to share Gojo's actual line from the manga tho. Gojo: My six eyes tell me that you're Suguru Geto, but my soul knows otherwise. STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA, JOEY. People are assholes. I wanna cry....


I’m glad you mentioned Gojo’s facial expressions! They were absolutely manic and I loved it! I also share your frustration with Mahito. Every time he’s around I’m instantly annoyed and when he’s grinning and laughing it just makes it worse. Also, as others have mentioned, definitely never google anything. Once google knows you like something they just start throwing spoilers at you with no hesitation or warning. Google spoiled 2 things in MHA for me, it’s why I started reading the manga (and that wasn’t me googling anything MHA related, I just opened the browser to search something and the spoiler was the top thingy/piece of ‘news’ they were showing).


Feral Gojo is BACK BABY