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Added a little MHA Class-1A quiz at the beginning...I'm just having fun 😂😂



That’s not even the darkest it’s gonna get…. Just wait (manga reader)


"are you eating coffee with chopsticks?" I almost died laughing lol

FTN Chicken

I don't think I fully remembered everyone's names until I started reading the manga, so this is totally understandable


You are a bit confused lol. It has been explained so this isn't a spoiler, All For One can give and take quirks from people, what was showed at the end of this episode is the Beginning of All For One and One For All, AFO took the tooth quirk and gave it to the bald dude, but it was different in him. His lackeys killed some people who weren't following AFO and he didn't even tell them to(or that is what he said but who knows lol). The last scene with the brother and AFO was AFO giving the stockpile quirk to his brother which combines with his ability to pass on his quirk to others forming One For All. They also don't explain it, but they called Quirks, Meta Abilities or Meta's in the beginning. They don't tell you how long ago this is, but Deku is the 9th OFA holder and back in episode 1 I think his mom says both her and his father are 4th generation quirk users, so like 80 to 120 years at the minimum for their lines for Quirks who knows if their lines were among the first to get them so it could be longer than that, so this gives an estimated age for AFO I guess lol.

Mu Lopes


Ashley Martin

I loved Todoroki’s line about the scar. “That’s a bad scar. Looks painful.” A burn (heh) to his dad since his dad basically gave Todo his scar 😂

Ashley Martin

You want a darker season? Get to season 6! Darkest arc yet going on there lol


"I'm looking at my camera right now but... is- is that... Light Yagami? Mixed with Armin Arlert?"


^^ adding onto this, Joey, it might be good to refresh your memory with Season 2 Episode 20, around the 13:30 mark. That's when All Might first tells Deku about the history of One for All and All for One, and it'll help make sense of what we saw in the dream.