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I notice this alot too I feel depending on what ever you watch first you always go in with preemptive bias. As an avid watcher of both I notice If you make a sudden switch between them most of the time it will sound weird at first i normally goes away after couple episodes or so.


You should leave the "Eyesight" comment in the edited version lol, and the Rappa that was with Twice before he got hit with Nighteye's seals was a Copy that he made. When his Copies get destroyed they turn into mud similar to when Toga activates/deactivates her quirk


Getting close now to the best part

Ashley Martin

I think you might’ve missed how Chisaki’s quirk works. He can disassemble and reassemble whatever he touches. So Chisaki killed Rappa, but before death permanently set in, he brought his body back. Essentially he killed and resurrected Rappa 6 times.


Intermission: Joey reads quirks of twice and toga. Straight after intermission: Episode shows those 2 quirks in action. Joey: Wait what is happening


i still can't get over the fact that u abandoned the masterpiece sub for the dub, i tried to watch it in dub and i just had to stop, it is so weird man lmao


never watched it in dub before but now think its really fine for the most characters , just wished Shigaraki and all for one had better voices they cant compete with sub at all


Idk I really feel like a big portion that determines how we feel about a sub or dub is which one we watched in it first. I feel the opposite but about the dub but I won’t be shitting on the sub.


I agree so much, + it feels like every voices in dub looks similar.. or it might be bcs my first language isn't eng ? Dunno


I agree, I get why dub is easier for some people but god do they butcher the emotions of some of these lines and moments, When I feel like Im getting more intensity out of the silent unmoving manga page than the episode itself, I cant get behind it

Mu Lopes



Yes it's because your first language isn't english, I feel the same way about the sub that I wouldn't be able to tell the differences in voices and i dont enjoy it. That's why i prefer dubs