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Klarin Black

So I'll explain what happened, for season 2 they threw the entire Plot of the manga out of the window basically and decided to come up with their own story, after realizing it was a mess that was full of holes and weirdly written characters for season 3 they decided to follow the manga again, issue is, the stuff that happened in the manga during season 2 is highly relevant for season 3. Further increasing the confusion is the horrendous job of pacing the series as well as shuffling plot points around and leaving out important information. Basically everything apart from season one is a giant clusterfuck, with season 2 being the only season that is still properly watchable without knowledge of the manga(and its still decent)

Skrall Original

If you don't plan on reading the manga you can watch the other season but a lot of what we got in the manga is missing in the anime


Be prepared to be more confused on season 3 then you were watching attack on titan because the plotline goes out the window after this season. I DIDNT read the manga and i couldnt understand anything that was going on.. season 2 is miles way better then season 3. I love season 2 as well joey, again, it wont bother me if you watch season 3 but i know you wont understand a single episode