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anime openings live stream - attack on titan

Watch "anime openings live stream - attack on titan" on Streamable.



Opening 2 is absolute FIRE. Love it so much


Opening 6 ist perfekt for the whole AoT World and everything with its politics. But Rumbling straight Erens Hymne. This whole Opening ist just for Eren. And i Love this. Ecspecially when you see Season4 you will understand them both. The Symbolic is insane


I missed this !!! >.< Rumbling still gives me chills

Flor Chieli

Rumbling is the absolute best opening EVER. I wish it would have been the last one of the series, cause it's the most epic and fitting.


Do you think you will do endings for ATO?


most likely there'll be a stream for anime endings altogether. idk when though!


Jiyuu no Tsubasa is the stuff


It's kinda funny that the patreon auto-replays the video when it ends, it's getting pretty late here, and I've been watching yours vods of the stream for the past hour, so I was hearing the stream calming down while you were talking about ending it, I started getting sleepy when suddenly I got hit by "SIND SIE DAS ESSEN? NEIN, WIR SIND DER JAEGER" (The start of this VOD lol)


I honestly recommend watching the full songs (live performance) of guren no yumiya and shinzo wo sasageyo